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    Yeah, it’s not liberal vs. conservative, it’s “actually flies a lot,” vs. “doesn’t fly and gets all their social norms from the internet.”  this whole “don’t recline” crap was thought up and spread by people who don’t actually use air travel.

    Yeah, he’ll hate it.  It’s a small consolation.

    Actually, privileged people with “tempers” often manage to hold them very well when around people who have the ability to stand up to them.

    So... actually reading past the clickbait headline, what I’m reading is: “Now that influencers are a part of modern advertising, the people in our companies responsible for marketing, advertising, and publicity spend the same sort of effort to evaluate them that they would spend on evaluating which traditional ad

    When we have sulferic acid rain due to climate change we will need BOTH to discuss eating the rich AND what sort of umbrellas are most resistant.

    Agreed.  Every time I hear these dumbasses go on about how rEcLiNiG pUts YoU in mY lAp, I’m just like “have you ever even been on a plane?  Ever?”

    Ever since internet morons decided to make “no reclining” go viral, it’s been a thing for people who don’t actually fly enough to know better.

    Considering the reality of where your knees are while seated in comparison to how a seat reclines, it’s highly unlikely that your knees are anywhere near a position to affect the person in front of you.

    Yup. I think most people who complain about reclining are just keyboard warriors who don’t actually travel on planes much. As someone who regularly does travel for work (sometimes yes, on budget airlines) I have to say that the seat in front reclining really doesn’t harm much more that the person’s ego - assuming

    Yup. this. Pathetic people don’t have anything legitimate to feel proud of, so instead of actually bettering themselves, they decide to take pride in something they did nothing to earn and can do nothing to lose - their lack of melanin.

    A.) Probably racist as well, and B.) it’s his crazy ex who’s also a judge. He’s not going to do anything but try and placate her.

    Seriously!  She texts “goodbye,” then follows it up with a full screed.  Bitch, goodbye and LEAVE.

    Why is everyone forgetting he lost the popular vote and no one showed at his inauguration?  Oh, we remember, but we also remember that it didn’t matter because he’s still president.

    Hm... on the one hand, ‘Rage Baking’ has been around since before Shakespeare wrote about serving someone’s kid’s to them in a pie, which gives this tinges of “you ripped off my ‘make fruit look like vaginas’ idea,” or Ann Rice’s “you ripped off vampires from me” thing.

    P.S. I’m not going to ungrey the fuck knuckle, but it doesn’t make a difference if you work for the government - you still don’t get to call people Sir Pissbaby of Halitosis. 

    Yeah buuuuuut... part of ID’ing as ‘queer’ has always been giving a middle finger to the Purity Police that felt others were too bi, trans, dark, trashy, etc. to belong to their special treehouse club. I’ll accept her into the Queer club for the sole purpose of pissing off the TERFs.

    In fairness, TF are we supposed to google - jockstraps on planes?

    Yeah, I mean, I LOL’d, but is this in response to some news event or something?

    That’s true, but the booze is shit.

    Ah, but what if they actually would let you board while only wearing a jockstrap, and also you could throw drinks on the pilot?