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    By that logic my boss is a fascist because he “forces” me to refer to our clients by their preferred names, whereas I think I should be able to call all my clients Mr. Tinkles Von Fuck Knuckle.

    Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six. But the legal system is notoriously harsh to women who shoot their stalkers and abusers.

    Now, ordinarily you would be right, but I think that when viewed from that angle it has to count as side-boob. I mean, cleavage means a ‘cleft,’ and that’s not what we’re seeing.  Maybe... inner side boob?

    California wine is.  They make some good stuff for reasonable prices, in enough bulk that it’s worth shipping overseas.

    Me: “Is this something borderline like the katy perry shoes?’ [clicks link]

    Yup.  Sometimes it’s just like your lizard brain has its own set of secret requirements, and it’s just like... ‘nope.’

    Physical chemistry is a thing.

    Yeah, on the one hand, I do love Quinn/Ivy. On the other, Harley is a hot mess at the moment and really needs to get her shit together before she gets into a relationship.

    Also, you can read for a bit, take a break to eat and think about what you’ve just read, and then read some more.

    I know, my bad - he really is just a stupid racist motherfucker. I’m usually better about not feeding the trolls.

    I’m not insinuating, I’m flat-out saying you’re full of shit. If JayZ was filmed racially abusing employees he’d probably get fired from any CEO position he had as well. Wearing a necklace isn’t the same as being filmed getting racist and abusive with someone in the service industry. One is a bad fashion choice, the

    To many prison officers hitler had good ideas and raping prisoners is ok.  I’m not sure they count as valid sources of info.

    Fuck off. We buy blood diamonds from racist south Africans and clothes made from sweatshops - JayZ can buy whatever tacky bling he wants as well.

    Yeah... NYPD’s responsible for a lot of wrongful shootings, but this one’s solely on your dumb ass, ICE.

    And implying she had a drugdealing babydaddy.  Like... sorry, no way out of this one, the judge is a racisty-racity-racist.

    I saw it. He gets gently nudged out the door. Sorta disappointing.

    Kingery is accused of assaulted a security guard who is over 65 years old, and police added a booking charge of elder abuse.

    He’s so distraught he hasn’t been able to enjoy his favorite steak.

    Ah yes, the “lick the jackboot or else no rights” argument. Sorry, whiners used that during the pre-WWII days in Germany, and all the USA segregationists whined the same thing at MLK. It’s always been bullshit.

    Sweden was pretty buddy-buddy with Hitler and never really broke up with him since.