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    Yeah, if they spoke about racial microaggressions or outright racist behavior, that’d be one thing, but it sounds more like “legal intern upset that they have to get coffee instead of getting to run a murder case like they saw on Legally Blonde. I mean, yeah, interns and field organizers have a shit position, and

    Yeah, I’m all about believing victims of sexual assault, but what we have here is that her sister said *someone* raped her, and then an anonymous internet commenter said it was douglas.  That’s... not a lot to go on.

    Well, in her case she was already in a very good school and has no desire to leave, so... yeah, the whole thing’s weird.

    Yup, pardon one turkey so we don’t feel bad about all the others.

    It’s still a thing because all the internet whiners who need someone to attack but are too weak to actually pick on someone mean are looking for a new victim.

    Did this seriously need answering? Like, weren’t we calling it the Wuhan Coronavirus because it was a new strain of coronavirus that was discovered in Wuhan? If there seriously weren’t any other variations of it, we’d just be calling it ‘coronavirus.’ I mean, even if you didn’t know anything else, the very existence

    Well, think about it - if you wanted to be a militant vegetarian, why stop there? Veganism gives you so many more opportunities to be picky about things.

    more about how the ease with which Clinton stans turned on Tlaib (who was their Palestinian Queen after “Impeach the motherfucker”) is another exmple of how deeply performative and opportunistic their embrace of leftist women of color often is.

    *shrug* fine. Enjoy your booing and enjoy 4 more years of Trump. Personally, I short-term benefit from more of his fuckery, though I’m voting against him because one’s country takes precedence over one’s paycheck. But if y’all wanna shit the bed again, boo your own people instead of putting together a solid candidate,

    Yeah, that’s me in this situation.  I mean, good for them, and all, but I really don’t like having to support Jay-Z for anything.

    Scone life, dawg!

    Agreed. My response to this latest spate of rumors is the same as my response to the last spate: I’m waiting to see the truth come out. Also, “supporting?” Bitch, the fuck does my “support” have to do with anything?

    Yeah... there’s not really citations for either of those two points.

    Well, at least there’s that.

    Yeah, he’s like every 13-year-old edgelord.

    Same reason france likes Roman Polanski - sex crimes are sorta NBD over there.

    Because he’s on parole for murdering his wife, and he still has a “don’t go anywhere near women because you keep killing them” restriction on his behavior. So nah, it’s not really cool that they added a caveat “except sex-worker women - they don’t count, so feel free to seek them out.”

    Oh Americans haven’t been on the tourism shit list for decades now.  They’re generally seen as kinda dumb but well-meaning golden retrievers who also tip.

    I’m sorry, is that some new slang or something?

    Telling someone to shut up is neither illegal nor a threat justifying a violent response?