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    We don’t do a lot of “child” labor but we sure as shit love to exploit teenagers.

    People without better Mexican options.  Not all of us get to live in the tex-mex or west coast states.  Massachusetts’ cuisine is a bit of decent seafood and horrible faux-cooking for everything else.

    This is my take on it.  I’m not making potatoes au gratin and seared duck with cherry port sauce for your little gremlin!  There’s a boxed mac and cheese from costco that’ll suit you fine.

    Sit back with beer and popcorn. Maybe you’re wrong and it’ll go off fine. Maybe you’re right, but it’s not your problem. If it blows up spectacularly, explain to Alice after the fact that yeah, there’s some drama. But for now you can’t make her un-invite people, so there’s nothing you can do to improve things.

    Yup.  She should go on one of those mail order bride sites and get herself an actual wife.

    Eh, telling someone you liked them better with their ex is sorta rude - I’m not going to blame him for clapping back.

    To quote from another poster, “But it’s just not healthy to expect a ‘paid relationship’ to be like family.” This isn’t shit you can ask of employees.

    Dingdingding! This person needs the mental, logistical, and emotional support of a spouse, and you can’t hire for that. It’s like putting out a secretary job that includes “must hold me while I drunkenly cry over my childhood (usually about 3-4 times a week).”

    Sorry, creepo, but you don’t get to demand spousal-level devotion from your employees. Your employee is NOT your wife, or your mom, and you need to have better emotional boundaries in your professional life.

    This person is a lunatic or trolling. Even if (and it’s a big ‘if’*) black and brown people have “no choice” but to use these chains, that doesn’t make the chains themselves any less shit. That’s like saying you can’t say predatory payday loan companies are shit just because some PoC have no choice but to use them.

    Statistically it’s always less than half, and even that number is skewed by a few Elizabeth-Taylor sort of outliers who go through half a dozen marriages.

    No, because she’s Deeply Creepy about what she wants. She wants someone who is 100% heart-and-soul devoted to her family’s physical and emotional well-being: best friend, life coach, mother, comforter, therapist, all rolled into one - while also being paid crap and totally subordinate and disposable.

    Yeah, that’s what it reminded me of too.  “We want a concubine/lower wife who’s devoted, but also Knows Her Place.”

    I’d like you to make this argumet in a room with the victim’s parents and friends present, while looking them in the eyes.

    How on earth did the roomie decide that breakup #28 was the best time for her to hook up with him?  You’d think she’d be clued in to the pattern at this point.

    Yeah, it seems oddly thoughtful - like a breakup care package. “Sorry it didn’t work out, here’s some chocolates, some sad music CDs, a few sappy DVDs, and some sweatpants to lounge around in.”

    Someone should keep an index of this stuff for when people ask “but why do black people get pissy when white people wear dreadlocks?”*

    Frozen (unbaked) croissants and pain au chocolat are better as well. Unless you’re a high-end pastry chef you don’t actually know how to get them properly flaky.

    Agreed.  A party needs all sorts - including the flashy ones, and the boring ones that actually get shit done.  I’m perfectly happy with AOC being a flashy one, and maybe after 10 years of experience, a flashy get-shit-done one.

    Did your mom have some random made-up reason to hate hilary as well?