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    The other thing is that Warren has some ability to get shit done, while Bernie has historically never been able to do anything but annoy people and encourage other annoying people.  If elected he’d be the most ineffectual president we’ve had for a while.

    Now playing

    I mean, obviously this is a bigger problem than just Spirit Airlines, but let’s also take a chance to dunk on Spirit Airlines, because it never gets old.

    This here is why you shouldn’t date a guy with kids.

    I don’t think that you have to have personally had a narcissist family member to see Tom and Sam Markle for the trash they are.  It’s pretty obvious - you’d have to be almost intentionally dense not to see it.

    He’s also consistently been able to accomplish jack shit - no reason to believe he’d be any more effective in the white house.

    On the other hand, maybe he’s doing the world a public service by showing how stupid white folks look in cornrows? I mean, seeing that has got to be enough to dissuade a few people from ever wearing them.

    Pretty sure if they had a black consultant s/he’d be laughing too hard to tell them to stop.

    They haven’t eaten in 3 days.

    Well, it’s easier to sterilize a dildo, I guess.

    Well, I mean, if you’re hooking up with the guy you’re basically sharing the “natural” dick all his previous hookups have had, so why quibble over the “manmade” one?  Also, easier to sterilize a dildo.

    Fuck off, troll.

    Not sure why you think you = “everything.”  Just because you get rightfully pegged as a racist doesn’t mean much for the greater applicability of the term.

    She has plenty of backbone - that’s why she’s telling alla y’all to go fuck off.  You’re confusing “backbone” with “accepting abuse.”  Also I don’t particularly care about her, I just don’t like hateful racists like you.

    I’m guessing he’s a troll or very, very stupid. If you can’t see why “two white guys with the social understanding of that pretentious college boy with one sociology 101 class under his belt” making slavery porn is bad on your own, having it clearly and repeatedly explained to you won’t help. 

    Which is pretty impressive when you think about it - like building a boat with only a swiss army knife.

    You’re still full of crap.  They gave it a good shot, gave several interviews warning that they’d leave if the shitty treatment continued, then followed up on their word and left.  You’re just outraged that a woman of color had the nerve to stand up to entitled racists like yourself.

    Well, whatever are you thinking, catting around with your wife, you brazen flirt!

    You’re full of crap. The hate against Meghan has nothing to do with your imagined “political” interference and everything to do with the fact that she’s a foreign woman of color that dared to think she could marry a royal - that’s really what you mean by “arrogant.”  Also, you’re contradicting yourself - you’re angry

    Actually, since Walberg is honestly speaking from a sample size of one and Dr. Oz just promotes whatever random trend is catchiest, ol’ Donnie’s probably the better source here.