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    Yup.  I don’t actually watch the Kardashians but I have to respect someone who built an empire over... whatever the hell it is they do.  I mean, ain’t no one paying millions to watch my boring-ass life.


    Why would you put your name on your carry-on?  It’s unlikely that you’ll lose it.

    This. I don’t care whether or not he thinks the American public are willing to elect a woman president. I care that there’s a 30-year record of him being completely ineffectual and I don’t see that changing if he gets a higher office.

    Wow, you’re seriously butthurt that you won’t have them around to abuse as much, aren’t you?  Life’s just not as fun for you without a few thinly-veiled racist articles in your Daily Mail every morning?

    Well, I don’t think anyone’s gonna fight you because no one can understand what you’re saying.

    I’d never mistreat my dog like that.

    Wow, you are seriously butthurt that they didn’t just sit and take all the abuse, aren’t you? You’re squalling like a child who’s had his favorite toy taken away. And nice try with the picture, but everyone knows it was just a halloween costume from a decade ago - even if you try and put it with german subtitles.

    Better idea: Marry who you want, and don’t take shit from racist yobs who think that makes you the national chew toy.

    Crawl back to your creepy racist little hole.  She’s literally walking away from being a princess due to racist abuse from you and yours, and you’re calling her entitled for not deciding to stay and give you a nice punching bag?  Fuck off.

    I’m not black and I also saw this a mile away - everyone did. They gave some very clear interviews being like “we’re not going to put up with any more abuse from you guys,” and when the press wouldn’t stop, this was pretty much the obvious outcome.  The only people shocked and outraged are assholes who thought they’d

    TBH, a lot of the rage about “not clearing it with the queen” is just a cover for “how dare our favorite punching bags leave!” The public thought they would be able to gleefully abuse those two for decades, and now that they went “actually we don’t have to put up with this - peace out,” these people are like “what?

    I dunno.  I think he never forgave the media for causing his mother’s death, or the royal family for how they treated her, and is more than happy to peace out with both middle fingers (privately) raised.

    Yeah, Vancouver is PNW-land, and there’s a strong policy of “Mind your own damn business” over there.   They could live pretty chill over there.

    Yeah. Like if this was some sort of tiny rich suburb or something where the main crimes were flaming poop on doorsteps and occasional drunk driving? Sure.  But Chicago? Fucking Chicago? You really have nothing the fuck better to investigate in are-you-shitting-me Chicago?

    Yeah, a cop lied to someone about a fender-bender causing a death and the driver committed suicide.  He got a 6-day suspension (vacation) and his name is protected.  But Smollet... um... wasted some time.

    That’s because murder gets you in jail for a long-ass period of time, which cuts down on the murdering.

    Yeah, he should be let out so he can murder a few more baby mamas! I mean, if he’s only out at 60-something, he’ll won’t be able to make up for all that lost time!

    They got a gold lump with a steak inside, but... I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen a tomahawk steak before... but they don’t look gold normally.  Like, you’d definitely notice something was up.

    Not if I ordered a tomahawk and got a gold lump, I wouldn’t. But they were probably very drunk, in fairness.