If you ordered a Tomahawk steak and you got a Tomahawk steak, why would you assume that it wasn’t the Tomahawk steak you ordered?
If you ordered a Tomahawk steak and you got a Tomahawk steak, why would you assume that it wasn’t the Tomahawk steak you ordered?
I can assure you his restaurants are even more instagram-shit in the other countries.
If she was paler I’d be like “buy yourself a tria and solve it yourself??” But maybe she has too much melanin for that (lasers don’t work as well on dark skin). Still, electrolysis should do the job no problem.
Maybe not, but it does make your comment a big bundle of Whataboutism. Assuming Portland has lots of racist whites there will be lots of other stories up about them, and you can talk about it there. Talking about it here makes you sound dumb.
So... we not talking about the fact that Joey King’s wearing a vagina? Or maybe an oyster, but c’mon, that’s a vagina.
And also feeling like she was shortchanged in the bargain of what she traded away for her fertility, and just her general refusal to accept that her actions had consequences. She doesn’t even want a child so much as she wants the choice to have one.
Yeah... on the one hand, obviously you shouldn’t be criticizing a kid’s looks. But on the other, can we criticize beyonce a bit for putting the kid out there as part of her publicity machine? Leave your kid out of it, lady!
Well, it doesn’t erase what happened, but it’s definitely better than nothing.
Did he clarify if he was offended because stepdaughter-sex is icky and wrong, or because the offer was, in his opinion, worse than a dollar-store novelty tie?
Meh, not having the money she wants won’t kill her - you’re getting worked up over nothing.
That’s one of those where you rely to the question with “do you really think this is something I want to know, or do you just really badly want to way the n-word?”
Eh. Well. I’d generally say that whipping titties out is bad form at the dinner table, it was her dinner table.
Hey, ever bruised a knuckle? Them things hurt. Poor piggie.
Kim’s trolling the SJWs. Note that the article’s posted here, and not The Root.
You know every time that woman posts a sexy photo the response is 10% actual boners and 90% outrage boners? If y’all would stop shrieking about how she’s vacuous, slutty, appropriating black asses, etc. she’d be down to as many re-tweets as that one mildly popular girl in college who did some freelance modeling once.
Well, if the kid can pick up that a race is being depicted, then yeah, explain. But until it seems that they do, I wouldn’t bother telling them.
“target Rygg, whoM he had been sending nonthreatening emails...”
Yeah, he’ll get prison respect if he’s sent.
To quote Chris Rock: “I’m not saying he shoulda done it - but I understand.”
The problem is that these are animals and young kids aren’t going to pick up the racial overtones at all unless you explain it to them. Before the kids learn about Jim Crow in school they won’t understand that reference, and they’re also not going to understand that the voices were meant to imitate ebonics from 80 ago…