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    ‘Multiple exclamation marks,’ he went on, shaking his head, ‘are a sure sign of a diseased mind.’

    So, Driver was like: “You know this one thing? Don’t do the thing.”

    You realize you replied to yourself?

    Frankly, it’s better that everything I or my friends say be erased after a few months.

    I agree. This is just one more dumb dating app - people can choose the MAGA dating site, the farmers dating site, the old folks dating site, the sugar baby dating site, the gay men dating site, the ‘you must be rich and hot’ dating site, or this one. I can’t be arsed to care about any of them. If we’re getting worked

    Yeah, I’m not too keen on screaming “don’t give people information because then they might use it in a way we don’t like.”  Besides, there’s no constitutional right to dates.

    Uh, sounds like pretty much everyone else on Jezebel was saying it was fucked up?

    I loved his old work (which was actually good) and was willing to give his latest a chance. But after that tired shitshow I won’t be watching the next one unless I hear some serious talk about improving his material.

    Yeah, I been plenty drunk in my life and somehow never stabbed anyone - must be doing it wrong.

    Yup.  Black and female officers always get thrown under the bus - only white male blue lives matter.

    Lying very badly.

    Is it weird that I don’t consider this to be a pressing issue in the battle for women’s rights?

    Nah, lesbians are all enlightened sisterhood goddesses who would never attend a strip club when they could be weaving tea cozies out of their pubic hair or whatever.

    I’m glad someone else said it: Chappelle used to be funny, but his latest routine was just a bunch of re-hashed bitching from reddit MRA’s and making boring ripoffs of Chris Rock and Daniel Tosh.

    So... you both had a misjudgement of character and decision-making, AND only intended to wave?  How is just waving a lapse of character?

    Yup. Men are horny sluts that can’t help but want to bang anything with boobs until they get called shallow or creeps, and then it’s “oh but we’re so visually orientated our delicate libidos are only activated by 22-year-old models.”  They’re perfectly rational and logical until they have to behave, and then, well,

    Means “did not act with the assumption he would face criminal consequences.”

    Yes, but the intent is relevant in regards to the action, and not the legality.  Basically, if he could say “I had no intent to smack her ass, I slipped,” that would be “no criminal intent.”  Saying “yes, I intended to smack her ass, but I didn’t intend to suffer legal consequences for it,” is not, believe it or not,

    Hey, do you wanna chime in on the “no weddings on Plantations” thing? Is it a “Plastic Straws” type of distraction from actual revisionist history problems, or a legit issue?

    Yup.  I’m still gonna sing along to ‘Juice’ when my playlist throws it up, but I’m not joining a fanclub or buying any t-shirts.