Nah, more like “if you like an artist’s work don’t get to know them, because they’re probably an asshole.”
Nah, more like “if you like an artist’s work don’t get to know them, because they’re probably an asshole.”
I think it was Hilary Clinton?
The folgers incest commercial?
They could have showed her marking performance scores in a notebook and being like “OMG I’m stronger, yay!” But no, she literally does nothing to show what she’s trying to accomplish by doing this.
But they didn’t show that she was getting stronger. She went on some sort of metaphorical “journey” but never actually showed what the journey’s goals were.
Yup. Or shit, basically *any* ad that 1.) shows what’s good about the bike (I didn’t even know about the special classes till I read the comments from people mocking the ad) and 2.) shows what goal she’s trying for. Seriously, any goal! Lose weight, improve performance times, get in shape for a long bike tour of the…
Honestly, I didn’t even understand that the bike came with fitness subscriptions. I thought she was just youtubing or livestreaming the classes. So yeah, all-around ad fail.
If the cocoa butter is a little heavy for you and doesn’t absorb into your skin well, palmer’s olive oil lotion is also pretty good.
What’s more, he didn’t even demand that he patch things up with the wife. He just said “put your home in order -either here or there. You will not live in between.” Basically either divorce your wife properly and marry this woman, or leave this woman and go back to your wife, but no catting around abroad with a…
In fairness, playing “guess how old I am” is annoying so you kinda set yourself up for it.
Yeah, you’re an adult and they’re kids. Just be like “no, you can’t use the kitchen now.”
So use another airline?
Believe it or not there’s usually more than 1 flight available to get somewhere, and flights are rarely 100% full.
Yeah, but the ad does nothing to explain *why* she wants the bike. What’s so good about it? What does it do that’s better than a $50 garage sale find? Also, what’s this goal she’s cycling towards that’s so important she’s recording each session. Weight loss? Improved time for a biking race? Lower cholesterol?…
This. Any publicity is good publicity when you’re that unknown as an actor. He’s just trying to get attention.
Ah. For a minute I thought you were commenting on Old White Guy and I was like “ok that seems like a bit of an overreaction.”
Probably also less likely to break.
But this really isn’t shit talking? I mean, he *was* late because he took a 40-minute impromptu press conference. I mean, when I’m getting drinks with friends and one of them is late and the other one is like “oh she’s probably changing her clothes for the 50th time,” we’re not shit-talking. We just know she’s gonna…
... goddammit, and you had good points there before you brought out the hotep “miscegenation of the races” shit.
I think when it comes to someone who wants to be elected by the public you shouldn’t be covering up for them, and if they’re a hot mess professionally (I don’t care about personal life so long as it’s legal and reasonably ethical) that is a matter of public interest.