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    Yeah, that really would be the perfect revenge.

    Yup. And there’s no way to play dumb and pretend that they don’t know things like this happen, so there’s really no excuse for it.

    Speaking of black music, do y’all wanna do a story on the white soccer mum who’s whining because she can’t illegally use Jay-Z’s music and name in the crap children’s book she’s selling?

    That right there is Peak Himbo.

    Is it hosted at your house? If so, move it somewhere else. If not, why do you care if the dishes get done or hurled at someone? Sit back with a nice glass and enjoy the show.

    If you catcall or “holler” at a woman you don’t know, you’re a piece of shit. Don’t give me any of this “oh, but I mean well, I’m not like those other guys” crap. Women don’t know that. They can’t tell whether or not you’re going to attack them afterwards - you’re just one more person harassing them.  Cut it the fuck

    It’s a joke because he’s gay - he’d be a... fatherfucker?  Daddyfucker?  Whatever the male version is.

    Why are you not in the greys?  Are you just so stupid that it loops around into funny or something so the mods let you stay?

    Yup. I generally dislike emoji use, but the thumbs-up is useful for exactly this.

    Yeah, you’re right.

    What the fuck are you talking about?

    Maybe I’m missing something, but what’s whitey gonna find to cry about in a post about dinner?


    Ok, so children at the table *would* have made that uncomfortable.

    LOL!  I imagine everyone else at the table thought the argument was hilarious.

    Or just go green beans almondine - no creamy soup of any kind.  Between the potatoes, stuffing, and gravy, there’s lots of rich foods already.

    This here is Peak Thanksgiving.

    While I think it’s fair to recognize that they were one of the trailblazers for affordable “cute” undergarments (before that was basically ugly granny wear, Fredrick’s hooker/fetish wear, and ridiculously expensive french stuff) they haven’t moved with the times and I’m ok with them going away.

    Yup. I have never heard of movie theater employees who cared that much about bad behavior in a theater - let alone whether someone bought a ticket.  Something ain’t right.

    Seems like a three-year-old would have been equally happy with a hula girl doll stuck on top of the mashed potatos, or maybe having the “hula” meal on Wednesday or Friday?