Nancy has actually been pretty effective in actually stopping Trump - as opposed to being nothing more than someone all the whiny purists like you can feel good about - so no, she shouldn’t be retiring any time soon.
Nancy has actually been pretty effective in actually stopping Trump - as opposed to being nothing more than someone all the whiny purists like you can feel good about - so no, she shouldn’t be retiring any time soon.
More like “man, if only he had been wearing his seatbelt he would have survived that crash with the drunk driver.”
Maybe they’re just sick of sitting because they’ve been doing it for a zillion hours and want to give their ass a rest.
Guess you should have added “don’t stab people over a Popeye’s chicken sandwich,” huh?
Yeah, a cop didn’t appreciate you dragging him away from his actual work to harass someone for no good reason. I know, I know, shocking, but this *does* occasionally happen.
Ah, fast food! No longer content with killing you slowly over a few decades!
Silly - white people stab over pumpkin spice lattes, not chicken.
Popeye’s Chicken: It’s mofo-stabbing good!
Yeah, at this point you really do deserve exactly what you get coming to you.
The entire story just kept getting worse
Most puff-piece celebrity stories include age.
I think Sharpton has a point. This whole thing is going to trigger the older community’s memories of the disproportionate crack vs. cocaine crackdown. It started as “this is destroying our communities so we have to stamp it out at any cost,” and ended, well... not so good.
Not sure that’s 100% correct.
Friendo, you fundamentally misunderstand how this whole air transportation thing works.
Yeah, listening to some of these anti-recliners (including Josh and his ridiculous ‘aim your vent at them’ idea) and I’m like “have you literally ever been on a plane? Ever?” Also, I haven’t seen such a collection of allegedly 6+ foot people since I was browsing tinder.
It’s not liberal vs. conservative, it’s people who actually fly regularly (recliners) vs. people who almost never fly but form their opinions based on a few small online communities (people who think reclining is evil).
The “anti-recline movement” is, IMO, keyboard warriors who don’t actually go on a lot of plane trips. All the expat and business travelers I know are in the “yeah, everyone reclines, that’s why the chairs do that” camp.
Free A-Rod is either a troll or a moron. Either way they’re best ignored.
It’s also a little extra-bitter because D&D’s “privilege” *did* seem to come through as one of the main reasons they fucked up so badly. Basically, GoT wasn’t the juggernaut it was because it just had tits and dragons. Lots of shows had that, and no one cared. Who even remembers the Sword of Truth series? What put it…
People need to stop lionizing this woman. Just because she pisses the MAGAs off doesn’t mean she’s objectively a good person or a good politician. I mean, definitely defend her against any racist, sexist, or islamaphobic attacks, and do it loudly. But don’t go thinking she’s some shining savior who can do no wrong - sh…