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    Ah, whataboutism!  I didn’t know anyone still tried that.

    So... you’re saying that being non-gender-conforming lets you defeat the facial recognition robots? Score!

    Um... the entirety of Christianity’s history begs to disagree with that statement. Look at you, going “oh, the AMERICAN ‘fire and brimstone’ christianity is unique” while ignoring all the people the church actually set on literal fire for heresy, and the queer people christians are still killing in Africa right

    Well, in fairness, it was a great show when it had the books guiding it. Once D&D had to be in any way creative instead of just adapting the incredibly-detailed source material (including the dialogue) it went to shit.

    Yup.  “Come to my party, buy me a present, then pay for your own drinks” is some prime bullshit.

    Eh, they’re ok.

    Hey, Kirkland is the Costco brand and pays its employee well!  None of that hippie shit for these red-blooded Americans!  It’s Gallo wine from Walmart or nothing!

    The problem here is that LW’s date *did* lay that shit on the table.  From the beginning he was like “if you have money, I will spend it.”  The fact that LW then decided to keep dating the mooch is a separate issue, but he was pretty clear about what he was from the get-go.

    Sorry, I can’t get behind this. Her problem wasn’t that she told the guy too soon - her problem was that she chose to date a deadbeat. Telling him about her salary helped her find that out sooner rather than moving him in only to realize he never covers his share of the rent.

    “If a partner being a good digger is a deal breaker to you, why would you spend so much time with someone without finding out whether they are one?”  I think that’s the main problem with this article. 

    Well, you certainly cornered the market on dumb arguments.  If you want to make it sexist, you need to specifically tie it to gender - criticism doesn’t automatically become sexist just because the object of criticism happens to be of a specific gender.

    S/he never said stepfathers were any better.

    Is it weird that I kinda think they should have left the bullet holes? Like, a huge part of this memorial is a ‘Never Forget’ when talking about the brutality of American racism. The bulletholes seem like a good way of saying “oh, and btw, the sort of people that did this are still around today.” It’s a way of making

    Yeah, the Brit press has been too used to having carte blanche over the royals, and thought that Megan would be easy prey and just take it. Sorry, but she’s a USA celebrity and they don’t have the same fear of raising a fuss. She ab-so-lutely knows how to hit back and call them on their shit - and frankly, her

    Yeah.  Good for her in getting something, but that cop should definitely be fired.

    What can I say, Momoa is gorgeous, but that movie was a paint-by-the-numbers lump of blah.

    Heh, I watched Aquaman on my last flight as well.  No regrets about not seeing it earlier.

    What do you mean, “overspending?”  I mean, it’s not like clothes, where you really might not need another pair of jeans.  It’s food.  You buy it, then you eat it.  If you buy more of it, you just don’t go back to the shop until you’ve eaten it all.

    That’s rough. Go to chumplady.com - it’s a support website for people who were cheated on.

    Dominant, prominent, obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice. Giant shake, birthday cake. Large boobs, booty shake!