No, racists should be named and shamed!
No, racists should be named and shamed!
Just because you can’t cope with the world doesn’t mean that I should have to deal with a peacock on a plane
If it’s not requested, it’s not expected - stop acting like an idiot.
No, it’s a question of logistics. If you move the animal, then you have to make sure that everyone in the new location also has no allergy, and you could end up having to re-shuffle everyone around several times. Moving the allergic person is the easiest way to re-organize the seating.
Jesus, Flasher McGee, just stop sending unrequested pics of your cock to people, ok?
It’s the same reason RL flashers do it. It’s not about expecting a favorable response, it’s about sexually harassing someone.
This is why I always go by “Bob” at the coffeeshop. Also, dude, c’mon! It’d be one thing if your name was like, Kareem or Jamal, but Aziz sounds a lot like Isis (which is a legit name).
You throw tables in the washer?
You don’t even have to like Ilhan to point out that there’s fuck all evidence. That’s just being rational regardless of whether you like the person discussed - something you Trumpists forgot in your Faux News bubble.
Buddy, if standing within 3 feet of someone means you’re fucking, then I’ve fucked hundreds of people on the subway.
AdulteryWhileBlack? I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if the wife was just throwing shit to see if it sticks, but let’s be fair, lotsa white ppl get in trouble for adultery.
17's a pretty big gap, tbh.
Well, if she was having an affair while outwardly posing as a pious hijabi she’s certainly a hypocrite, but TBH she’s not in my district and she didn’t run on a Family Values platform so I can’t be bothered.
Yeah, this is pretty much it. Dave (and CK) used to be fresh. Now they’re just lazy edgelords. I mean yeah, maybe it was edgy when Daniel Tosh said “I would fuck that baby” 10 years ago, but... like... today? Really? You rip off a 10-year-old Daniel Tosh joke and you’re not “edgy” you’re an edgelord.
Some men like to sexually assault women and understand that once one comedian gets in trouble for it, there’s a precedent that they might get in trouble for it as well.
Also kimonos create a flat, curveless look, so really it was just a shit choice all around.
Nope. Gyms are for working out. Full New York Rules apply. Stay out of each other’s space as much as possible.
the German shepherd owned by “Fr. Jacek,” aka the Rev. Jacek Kowal, would become “more agitated initially around strangers with darker skin, until the dog gets to know them.”
Yeah. If they had a nuanced argument that boiled down to “some jokes are always going to land wrong, give comedians a margin of error to work with,” I’d listen. But freedom of speech isn’t freedom from being called an asshole.
Well, the police probably wouldn’t have done anything about it, but still, you shouldn’t kill someone over $2.