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    Yeah, wtf?  Don’t shoot randomly.

    What, no “badly thought out partition negotiations” roleplay?

    The funniest thing (in a laugh to not cry way) was how angry he was at Fox News for being the tiniest bit consistent.  Seriously, a couple Fox commentators (who all love yelling at people who confront them) were like “nah, yelling at people is cool.”  Trump then gets pissed off and is like “how dare you say ‘yelling

    Hey, skinny methheads can like trump too!

    just... what the fuck, guys?

    I love her Christmas decorations.  They’re so awful and also in no way causing serious harm to our country (unlike everything else the Trump family does).

    Start with “have you tried doing _______” and judge their reaction. If they go “no I haven’t, could you show me,” feel free.  If they go “nah,” “I like it this way,” “interesting,” or anything that isn’t specifically a request for more info, drop it.

    Hiring a woman to defend you in a misogynist case is Optics 101.  See: Rachel Mitchell for the Brett Cav case, that chick hired to defend Harvey Weinstien, etc.


    Haya was smarter: got out fast and got out with money.  Latifa tried to sneak out on a sailboat - too much time in transit and she got caught.

    Keeping the myth of the Idiot Model alive!

    Why look at that! It’s get-this-judge-fired o’clock!

    Tardis pockets?

    Maybe they both really liked shoplifting t-shirts and this is like when that guy did the Pride and Prejudice reenactment for a proposal?

    Also t-shirts don’t fit into pockets, generally.

    Don’t you have a tinfoil hat meeting to go to somewhere?

    Again, why does no one on this show consult lawyers?  Pushing someone away from the person they’re beating up is not illegal.  If he accidentally falls down the stairs, that’s still not illegal.  Heck, considering their differences in size and strength, she could have shot him and gotten away with it.  Literally none

    By definition, part of what you pay for on a reclining seat is the ability to recline it.

    Zhu: “I want to freely express my controversial opinions!”

    Because the whole “only white people can be racist” notion was an idea thought up by people with very little real world experience. In the real world, lots of different people are racist.