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    a 2-3 year career at most - conservative barbies are very replaceable.  

    Aww... I’m sorry, honey, did you think that the Beauty Contest people cared about your opinions? Your job is to smile, wave, and be as inoffensive as possible. Now go sit with Tomi Lauren in the corner for stupid women who clawed their way to the top of an organization that only valued them for their looks and ability

    Yeah, even the book (which could be melodramatic and dumb at times) had her being like “yeah, I pushed him away from the woman he was kicking the crap out of and he fell” and the authorities being like “well that’s not really a crime so... okay?”

    Yup - but they needed a second season and so the book’s “well, obviously - I mean we aren’t stupid” ending became a “no we really are that stupid” beginning for season 2.

    why all this goodwill towards a Rapper who hasn’t exactly showed solidarity with black suffering?

    Yeah, I think the movie was pretty clear that Hakim wasn’t out banging people while looking for his bride.  This movie is not off to a good start.

    I dunno, I hate the whole “speak with a foreign accent to imply you’re speaking a foreign language” thing.  Having various british accents that can communicate things like social status works just fine for me.

    Doctors really can be some of the dumbest smart people out there.

    If you’re in the window seat, you get the armrest closest to the window.

    You’re mad at this lady when you should be mad at the airlines that created the situation.

    “Do you mind if I keep the armrests up for the duration of the flight?”

    Red wine and coke sounds disgusting. Get a spicy bloody mary or a light crisp beer.

    Go to the bathroom before you get on the plane.

    Not even sure full light skint will do it sometimes.  You gotta go full Karen Let-Me-Speak-To-The-Manager.

    They’re really into hatesex.

    Eeeh... when is it “brainwashing” and when is it just that they like living in a luxurious penthouse with tons of money and no job?  I mean, some of us work in customer service for a living.

    Yeah.  Somehow even when the other person pulled a gun, somehow THIS cop was able to be like “you know, a gun battle would not be the optimum way to solve this situation.”

    Yeah... one the one hand, I think it’s cute: young love, making out all the time, giggles, etc.  On the other, I am An Old who identifies far more with Hopper’s “Urrrgh... my daughter’s sucking face with some weedy kid every night.”  Man, that happy look on his face when El was hanging out with Max instead... I

    There are places that don’t offer vegetarian/vegan dishes.

    *sigh* Don’t approach people to hit on them. Say hi, and see if they approach you. Conversely, if someone’s taken the first step and said hi to you, it’s probably ok to walk over and talk to them a bit (though since you’re pretty clueless, I should probably clarify that you should keep the conversation brief - also,