I’m not looking for advice... but... it makes no sense.
I’m not looking for advice... but... it makes no sense.
I feel Mrs. Lastname before you’re married, FirstName for at least the first 10 years of marriage, and you’re still married and she ain’t dead after that, you just wing it, or call her by whatever cutesy “grandma” name your kids use.
Or a Mother Superior at a convent.
I think it’s reasonable for people to be hormonal - especially young people. What’s good about this show is that people are great friends with each other despite their hormones.
It’ll be interesting to see him back on the campaign trail as his mental state deteriorates.
Yeah, aren’t swedish jails known for being really nice? Like, sauna and cookie day nice?
Don’t hit on people. You can smile and say hello, but don’t go farther than that unless the other person walks over to start a conversation. People go to the gym to work out - not for you to waste their time while you try and talk to them. No, the outfits aren’t for you. Mind your own business.
Gyms supply paper towels, and it’s nicer to throw the towel away after it’s wiped up all the sweat.
Yup. If he wants to run classes he can get his own gym. If he’s in the apartment gym he needs to respect that it’s a shared space. Also, you can have a word with your front desk and just be like “hey, can you tell him to stop hogging stuff?”
Well, 1.) some people like to start with an empty bar, and 2.) people might want a different type of weight on the bar. Take it all off.
Provided that you’ve recently washed your armpits? Go for it.
Yup. She’s a troll, and trolls should be ignored.
Yeah, he’s got the know-it-all pretentiousness of like, the Ur-teenager, but on the other hand, he’s actually never doing anything mean. You never hear of him being a jerk to a waiter, getting into fights, driving drunk, or doing any sort of ‘rich asshole’ shit - he’s just doing something nice that somehow manages…
You can fight the Trump administration while ignoring the babbling troll that is KAC. Seriously, there’s nothing to be gained by speaking to or about that one.
Yeah, I thought the Swedes were pretty chill.
Pelosi is the one actually making things happen on the Federal level and staunching the worst of the atrocities. AOC’s great, and we need people like her to fire up The Youths and all, but she’s not very good at getting things done. They serve different purposes - don’t complain that the seamstress that sews a dress…
Probably because if they had a court-appointed shrink examine her, she’d start screaming, throwing holy water around, and talking about how a Hannibal Lecter style cell wouldn’t be safe enough.
Yup. Get On With It!
Yeah. Before I thought that some dudes in her hometown just got drunk one night and were like “you know what we should do?” Then when they sobered up, they kept the statue as a tribute to the miracle of none of them losing a limb while they carved that thing.
Yup. You can cheer for a sports team no problem.