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    Honestly, at this point I just don’t care any more. If they want to prosecute him, fine, they can go ahead and smack him on the wrist for wasting their time. But if they’re like “you’ve wasted enough of our time already, we have actual crime to investigate, just fuck off,” I totally understand why.

    Uuuugh... why do we have to hear about this?  Didn’t we fight a war in order to not have to care about what the British royals say?

    what if they want not to have a horse face when they get older?  Hope the Middleton genes win?

    Cromwell had a bit of one.

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t the whole point of the Revolutionary War that we no longer had to care about the English King/Queen and what they did with their money? Cause I’m pretty sure we fought to ensure that we didn’t have to care about this.

    Ok, I’m too lazy to google - but did she even do anything?  I thought she just sorta walked around looking like Ivanka.

    People have always altered their looks - it’s just that now plastic surgery is affordable and reasonably effective.  

    We had one scheduled? Honestly, she was an Invanka clone he kept around to steam his pants before she got too skeeved out and ran for it - I wasn’t aware we cared either way.

    Honey, if he’s out banging strippers he’s not worth fighting over.

    It’s not Whataboutism do discuss hypocrisy or allocation of resources.

    Seems you’d have more dead workers and fewer dead guests if it was pesticides.

    Well the general consensus is that the resort was selling tainted/adulterated liquor and they used the wrong poison when mixing it up.

    1.) use a set. 2.) rent an empty building. 3.) get the consent of the occupants to use their space.  4.) figure out something, anything, other than rolling up to a bunch of people who didn’t say you could be there, and demanding they not enter or exit their homes.  If you can’t figure it out, you have no business

    “first world problem?” Girl, go to a third world country and see how nice they are when you try this shit with them.  If your job requires being a dick to others, you don’t get to excuse it with “well it’s just my job so you shouldn’t blame me for my dickishness.”

    Sorry, but “just following orders” doesn’t get you off the hook for being a shit to others.

    “Just doing their jobs” doesn’t mean you have to let some random douchebags keep you out of your home. You didn’t ask them to be there.

    That’s pretty reasonable though - like, is it Taco Bell Spicy or Burn-Your-Face spicy?

    counterpoint: I’m not paying good money to drink warm beer.  Freeze that glass up, mothafocka.

    True, Keanu is a good person.

    Your name sounds like you’re a minority shareholder in a mayonnaise company.