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    So, she wants a gay bestie because they’re stylish now, but doesn’t want to actually treat them like people who should have human rights.

    Bond: [lowers his gun] “I’d feel bad about shooting a woman. Moneypenny, would you please shoot this woman?”

    She’s basically “meh, yeah, I guess” for most people, plus a smaller rabid fanbase where they just enjoy having something to be rabid over and Bey herself is kinda just the figurehead at this point.  But a huge amount of people sorta-liking you enough to buy at least one of your products, plus a small dedicated rabid

    Yup.  This is a “give a stern lecture” sort of situation.

    She wasn’t getting the chance to line her pockets or get any other influence and/or graft out of it, so it was just spinning increasingly improbable bullshit for a lunatic and realizing that every day further tanked her chances at a career after him.

    I’m not sure why you sent a friend request.

    Yeah, the guy’s like a local cryptid that wanders around doing nice things for people - that’s why everyone likes him.

    Being a weeaboo is always gonna be pathetic - deal with it.

    Did you not read the instructional pamphlet in the tampon box?

    just use your finger to push it past your closed lips.

    Or make cold brew and keep it in your fridge.

    It’s a literal translation of the Japanese word, yes, but we don’t need to use the literal translation because this isn’t some new concept that the West is just hearing about. People have been doing this for centuries, so it’s kinda silly to act like “forest bathing” is a new thing for the west just because it wasn’t

    Chris Rock really does have some great bits.

    Yeah, no kidding.  What’s next, cats with fur?  

    Yeah, wtf?  It’s called Going For A Walk In The Woods or ‘Hiking’ and we didn’t need the Japanese to tell us it was nice.  God, crack a book and read some Walt Whitman poetry.

    I’m assuming that you don’t have or take care of kids, but they generally don’t accidentally tie themselves nooses and slip into them.

    Yeah, this seems more like they’re waiting for the kids to move out before they move in together.

    Personally I like the “email the resignation letter in the morning, include a time to meet and talk later in the day, then have the face-to-face conversation with them once they’ve had the time to digest” method.

    Well, if we’re gonna be pedantic, Cleopatra wasn’t considered beautiful in her day either. She was incredibly intelligent and charismatic, but not a beauty. It’s just that everyone from the Romans to modern historians can’t imagine a powerful woman as anything but a slutty seductress.

    There’s actually coins with her face on them so we know what she looked like, and yeah, definitely Mediterranean looking.