The Beyhive doesn’t base its actions on what Jezebel does or doesn’t say about them.
The Beyhive doesn’t base its actions on what Jezebel does or doesn’t say about them.
Yes, it *is* Bey’s fault. She’s refusing to shut it down.
The Beyhive didn’t do or not do anything just because Jezebel pointed and laughed at their bad behavior.
1. You can’t expect a website to refuse to report on something for fear that crazies will be crazy.
I think she wants them to keep at it because she knows her husband is still trying to cheat, but just needs the minimum plausible deniability.
She doesn’t want them to stop. She wants plausible deniability, but she’s married to a dog who won’t stop humping other people’s legs, and she won’t divorce him, so she figures that if she has her fans threaten every woman who gets within 50 feet of him, maybe that will stop him screwing around.
You clearly have never been to any game or concert with seating.
Yup. It’s just degrading. ‘Everything Is Love’ was visually stunning, but the tryhard desperation of “we’re so totally perfect and happy together now - Becky who?” was so cringeworthy.
Hey, it’s not like she’s the first woman to forgive a philandering husband and try to pretend that everything’s perfect. Money can’t fix stupid, and everyone’s stupid when they’re in love. Remember, she’s been with him since she was 18 or so - probably her only boyfriend. It’s hard to cut ties with all that.
Well, when your husband has banged every thot from here to Bombay and you refuse to divorce his ass, well, nothing for it but to glare at very tit-having creature aged 15-50 who speaks to him.
Yeah... this is sorta like when White Wolf Publishing complained that Underworld was ripping off their ‘Vampires and Werewolves’ thing. People been taking pics of themselves getting nasty with fruit since before Sarley was a gleam in her daddy’s eye.
If the woman had a reputation for being “opaque” and controlling with the actors under her power, and there was no evidence the man took advantage of his position to pressure people into sex? I’d say the same thing - the woman in that situation tried to pimp one of her actors out because she thought there was a chance …
No, the article says that Chris Kattan said that Lorne Michaels said she didn’t want to do the movie because of that. There’s no evidence that Amy actually said or hinted that her willingness to do the film was based on whether Kattan had sex with her. Further, Lorne apparently has a reputation for not being honest…
I dunno, it didn’t feel gender-swapped to me. Comedy is full of shlubby guys who are just sorta “nice” that end up with hot, overachieving women who just need to ‘chill’ a little.
Reality is that you probably need counseling for your depression and a few other issues, but your misogyny issues aren’t some innate mental illness for you any more than any more of the MAGA-type prejudices.
Out of curiosity, would you believe it if someone said that about any other group? “I’m just incapable of not hating black people, I can’t help but call them slurs and assume they’re always criminals?” “I try to make Muslim friends but I’m always just a few steps away from killing them because I can’t help but hate…
So... your point is what? That you’re incapable of not stalking and harassing women? Cause I’m not sure I believe that. I also find it hard to believe that 15 years of therapy never included anything other than “don’t ever interact with women.”
As a side note, i find it both confusing and disturbing that people seem to have no issue with and are completely on board with redemption when it is a theme in film and television
Agreed. Stannis didn’t really understand all the characters either, so I think the actor didn’t have to. He did a good job - D&D just didn’t know how to do any character development to show how people can change from A to B, so in the last few seasons, everyone starts acting crazy.
Plot twist!