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    Yeah, sounds like Fresno.

    If you personally choose to hate women because you find that more “appealing” than taking responsibility for your own life, you don’t deserve a lot of sympathy. Don’t conflate things like substance abuse with violent bigotry. One generally only harms yourself, and one is focused on harming others.

    Find activities to do.  D&D group, book club, running club, hiking club, picking-up-litter-club, theater, cooking class, volunteer, DO something.

    Um... being a different kind of hateful asshole just means you’re a different kind of hateful asshole. The KKK, ISIS and Nazis exist simultaneously, you know.

    PUA has some good ideas (that’s why it attracts people) but the problem is that the execution for those ideas is always “so be fake and treat women as adversaries to be conned into sleeping with you for Man Points (tm).” For instance, “being interesting” is usually “wear some dumb ‘peacocking’ outfit, have some

    So, 1.) you think that at 25 you met the only person in the world you are compatible with, and 2.) you feel violent when someone you want to have sex with doesn’t return the feeling?

    “The advice I would have is for anyone traveling with prescriptions to make sure they’re clearly labeled/identifiable as having been prescribed to you.”
     So long as it’s not weed.

    Well, apparently not that common, considering that (even if you find it surprising) hot people get dumped all the time.

    Especially if you’re tired from climbing up, you do NOT want to risk tripping on the way down.

    Donate the ladies stuff to a shelter, see if you can return the ring to the store, and explain what you mean by “sabotaged me for the betterment of her sister.” 

    How shallow can you be if you would only be with someone for their looks?

    Yeah, and remember the “Daniel Craig Can’t Be James Bond” thing? Or Ann Rice objecting to Tom Cruise as Lestat until she saw the movie and was “oh shit, nvm.”  Good actors can surprise you.

    Agreed.  Bale did a great Bruce Wayne.

    So... what happens when a car breaks down or there’s an accident and they need to send in an ambulance/tow truck?

    Just climb the fookin stairs. Up, not down. “Down” strains your knees.

    Did she have a good complexion?

    One Question: Have you considered using “racism” as the umbrella term, and then sub-dividing it into different kinds of racism? Like, there’s institutional racism, maybe something like “authoritative racism” (empowered racism sounds weird) to describe racism by people in power against people without power, then

    A lot of smaller budget planes that land and take off on the tarmac actually have front and rear doors, and you board/exit from both.

    And also for losing/stealing check-in baggage.

    Yup. “I-Don’t-Hate-Black-People-BUT” women who are perfectly happy to throw everyone but them under the bus because hubby’s rich and has membership to the good country club.