
I was really on board with you from reading the Headline, but I wasn’t really concerned with those things you mentioned in the article. I just think she is a bad voice actor and gave a very bland performance. I think that’s more of valid reason for her to not be in MK. Cause it pertains to the game. Not the history of

thank you for having common sense

It’s really nice to hear from others who can relate. I had read about developer “crunch time” before becoming a dev, but I didn’t appreciate how bad it was until going through it.

Jason, I’ve been a developer on more than one of these types of monolithic ambitious-but-aimless projects that eventually lurches over the finish line (late). You’ve gone through months (or years) of very real suffering to get it to that point, and when it arrives, you’re embarrassed at what’s been put out. It’s

It’ll never happen because it’ll never work. You can’t have a society where people can speak freely without the downside of people posting stuff that you either don’t want to see/hear or they shouldn’t post. I’m not sure what the answer is here (maybe “get better friends that don’t post shit like mass killings

absolutely every single spacecraft launched by the americans was designed and built by private companies. please don’t be an idiot.

No American government bureaucracy has ever done this. NASA has never built a human rated spacecraft. It has always hired aerospace contractors to engineer, maintain and provide the bulk of the operational labor for human exploration in space.

and then you add to it by saying “republicans, thus continuing the cycle and helping to make sure it never ends.”
(and before you assume I’m a Republican, I’m a liberal, i just hate people like you)

if you want to play that game, go talk to our good friends in West Virginia.

At a certain point, what the hell do you people want?”

Oh man. I went to graduate school in the UP, and I figured pretty much everyone there would be a Lions fan.


Green Bay.

You have my sympathies, my friend. May your team one day rise above its continual underdog status.

And hey, at least you’re not the Browns (who actually had a decent season this year, but still).

Units are locked, you need to unlock them with lootboxes.

Yes, exactly! (I’ve got a decade on you, by the way. 😂) THAT is what is important. Our relationship. Not the internet. 

This. I don't really have much to say about any of this; I'm just a married old dude with a family. Twitch isn't really my thing. But I'm familiar with this story and really don't see what the problem is. Marriage is difficult sometimes, and decisions and sacrifices need to be made. Ninja's not playing with women was

That is a completely idiotic thing to say, he is neither of those things.

/shrugs, I mean, that’s true. However, I feel like it’s a split between: A) Koko the gorilla could actively communicate, so Winston and other primates aren’t that far of a stretch for suspension of disbelief, and then B) the game already causes enough frustration and anger (just take a look at other comments

Fitting I guess.

Petulant red shirt guy just spent a few hundred dollars (maybe that’s not a lot to you but it is to others) to go to that event and is most likely a huge Diablo fan and they made a big ordeal about exactly NOT what he or anyone else there wanted to see/hear.

I get that those guys were basically set up to fail but

Possibly because you are slamming fans for asking a valid question, while at the same time stroking yourself off. 

While I don’t agree with the insane reaction to the announcement, I do find the story very hard to believe. Most of the cool headed reactions have said that all Blizzard had to do was copy Bethesda by announcing the mobile game and following it up with the most minimal of acknowledgement that they are working on the

Re the mobile side release approach, that was just what I was totally thinking as well. Most other companies could probably get a pass, but taking into account the Blizzard demographic and expectations, making a mobile game be a big focal point of your own convention is a BAD idea that anyone with a brain could see