
Do we need to have this conversation again? Single player is two words, multiplayer is one word. That’s because “single” is a full word of its own while “multi” is a prefix.

dude, calm down

Well, not with that attitude, we won’t.

Just like my regular sports, I prefer that teams have the freedom to innovate rather than having all deviation codified out of the game. It’s like trying to ban the shift in baseball. There are counters to the shift but teams don’t use them. Why should teams that are innovative and try things out of the box have to

The Stage Three playoffs are some of the best OWL I've ever seen. I loved that there was simply no dominant meta and the variety of unique styles and strats. I think this stage showed the meta is just fine and why any sort of 2-2-2 comp lock is problematic. 

Protect or Ban would have been cool to try, but without it 2-2-2 is needed, because at its core OW is broken in its current state. Currently the pro scene and regular players have very different balancing needs. The heroes in GOATS have been getting nerfed for months and the composition still offers more than the sum

Agreed 100%.  Role locking will just create its own boring meta.  A moba-like ban system would adjust with the game.

all my friends dropped OW due to the chaotic randomness of ladder matchmaking.

just last night i got matched with four DPS only players, the game isnt fun to play ~or~ watch at the moment.

role queue or slip in to a coma, those are OW’s choices now.

I’m firmly in the camp of not putting restrictions on comps aside from no repeated characters. I’m a huge London fan and should probably welcome this change but I enjoy the innovative approaches we’ve seen this year.

I don’t play or follow ow, but from the sounds of the little bits ive heard, and seeing what lol has been through. Rather than hitting sustain, wouldn’t nerfing tank damage be the route to take? And maybe the answer is both, but it always seems, regardless of game, once tanks hit a certain level of damage they

You are talking like how Smash tourney players can ban stages?  I like the idea, and can give teams and fans some more variety in heroes selected

oh nice, I don’t need to write my spicy counter-take anymore. this is it

I think this is a good take. I wish I had time in the article to go into those protect/ban system propositions. They seem really interesting and could make for super fun games. That said, after the last couple stages, there will basically never be a situation when I’d actively want to see GOATS again.

I’m not prepared for the Sector 7 collapse in 4k HD honestly, when i saw that when i was a wee potato. It REALLY shook me up.

isn’t this what we want?

Reborn of the old-Gawker ashes, rises the phoenix of Gizmodo, to post three times a day about how social media platforms have media obligations, but don’t engage free speech concerns—and how regulating speech is easy in any event, across 200 countries and billions of users.

Exactly, thank you. I cringe every time people say Revenge of the Sith is the “good” prequel - Anakin’s fall to the dark side was rushed and made no sense to me.

Or... She doesn’t know how to handle the Surrender. This is a woman who has had quite the foreshadowing of mental instability since the first season. In the last couple of episodes she has lost two dragons, her family, her love, her friends, and all she had was revenge/vengeance and with the surrender she is now

See I think you are missing the context. He hated sand so much that of course eventually he would suddenly snap.

Talk about storytelling - the most unbelievable part of last night’s episode... are we to believe that a dragon just has unlimited fire to breathe? How much flammable material does a dragon’s body produce and hold? Are they magic? Just doesn’t seem possible.