
Thanks!  I really like the image too.  I liked this album in particular which is where I got the idea. :)

They have a developer named Jesse McCree?  Is that who the Overwatch character is named after?

Agreed. Ashe would have worked too.  Vaan as the main character makes it...ugh.  Also, it’s been a while since I’ve played it, but I remember at the time thinking they should have done way more with the judges in that game.

Unity was easily my least favorite AC of the series.  I’ve played all of them but Rogue.

Simply because he can. (maybe)

I was disappointed that you didn’t go in depth, until I read this comment.  Then I laughed.  Well played, sir.

The graphics update might be too much for older machines. My current PC (that I’m hopefully replacing this month) can run Overwatch okay. If they would’ve released this as part of the original Overwatch, they might’ve broken existing customers. That would not be okay.

Here is the thing. Your marriage situation is not the same as everyone else’s. Because you’re comfortable with that situation does not mean everyone would be. Some people, including women, have issues with self-confidence. Sometimes, those people eventually come to grips with those issues and relax their fears.

I’m surprised this company removed its face from Xi Jinping’s ass long enough to make this comment, to be honest. Fitting that all that’s coming from their mouths is shit, though.

Back when I played GW2, inventory management was horrible. Bags which opened bags which opened more bags. 250 seems like a good stack amount until you consider you needed many of those to craft many items.

One of the coolest character creators I’ve ever seen coupled with one of the most toxic communities I’ve ever seen.

You’re doing God’s work.

I’m glad I’m not the only one that doesn’t really care for it. It’s fine for one or two episodes a decade, and then I find I get sick of it.

What is dead may never die.

We’re a shooty-hoops school now.

I loved this mode in Origins.  When I do eventually pick up Odyssey, I’m going through this one too.

Two answers from me:

Guys, is EA not the publisher?  Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me 534 times...I mean come on.  They’re going to keep doing it so long as you keep buying it.

Nah. I only have 1Gb for my entire monthly family plan. Barely uses any of the data.