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Much of the hate is coming more from how this was announced and handled by Blizzard, rather than the game itself. This scene in particular is where much of the hate comes from

oh damn you beat me to this joke, my bad

Been to Manhattan, buddy?

No, those are for musical notation.

participants collected enough balloon waste to carry a 2,200-pound walrus”

Starting as human? Boring.

“I don’t want to do this because it makes me and my family uncomfortable,” is full-enough reason not to do something, full stop.

Do I really have to state the obvious?

Hi everyone. I made a mistake reporting this. It’s inexcusable. I attributed something controversial Taimou said to Xqc. I regret the error, a lot. My sincerest apologies.

Also, if you steal  Longefellow’s coat and ballistic weave it, it’s insta the best armor in the game.

So he’s an evangelist? Yeah, he’s an evangelist.

Exactly. He shouldn’t be committed to a psychiatric facility. He should be committed to a homeless shelter.

Frankly this is a first amendment issue. There is nothing illegal about making a gun in your home, even in most states with extreme gun control (you just have to get a permit first). Heck even if it were illegal, the first amendment protects the ability to distribute those plans, just like with bombs and other items.

“I don’t see why you need that junk.”

And it does so in a backward fashion, thereby also representing Ohio.

Robot legs. The answer is robot legs.

He does. His constituents do not.

What is this strawman shit? She wasn’t outed, she was knowingly shitty to her companies customer base, talking about her work for that company on the largest public forum in the world. If I did that then absolutely yes I should be fired.

While all the GamerGaters are shit heads, and people trying to sack individuals they don’t agree with is disgusting, Price is a total fucking asshole and has proved it multiple times in her social media feeds. ArenaNet did the right thing by letting her go. No one wants to employ a public facing person with zero self

Top one was her blowing off legitimate discussion and critique, something creative writing in a team setting absolutely demands.

Second one is the TB tweet.