
Like most of the former Gawker sites, I’m coming to really, really hate Gizmodo. 

Adam Clark is sending #thoughtsandprayers.

Agree completely. It’s always easier to simply shoot spit balls from the sidelines.

Horsehockey. She put her employer on her twitter. She was literally talking about her work for that company when this happened. You don’t get to represent yourself as an employee of a company and then call backsies and say “sorry it’s personal” when you cross a line.

el oh el

It’s time for bloggers who never actually created anything of value to stop telling artists who make that their life’s work what to do.

Basically it means don’t take what was said seriously. Usually used at the end of an ironic or sarcastic sentence.

There are already enough things for people to be offended by. Please stop trying to make things racist when they aren’t.

I’m sure if you try hard enough you can find racism in it. Seems to be a trend these days.

What is wrong with you? Are you so hypersensitive that you think something expressing sarcasm is racist or are you so racist yourself that is all you can see? 

It’s just a word used in chat on to represent an emote. Kappa is basically just for sarcasm or lols. Literally no racial intent whatsoever.

Kappa is a Twitch emote of one of the former employees, named Josh DeSeno, who worked on the chat client. It’s an emote that denotes sarcasm. It has absolutely no racial connotations at all.

It implies sarcasm apparently.

It’s a Twitch Emote, used to express that something is meant as a joke, or to be humorous, or for mild sarcasm.  

Yep, because Mr. Incredible is such a bad (fictional) person, that he is incapable of being loved. He is a garbage human being, father and husband and no one should ever love him, espeically Elastigirl. Elastigirl is a perfect person with no faults of any kind. She is far too good for Mr incredible, let a lone anyone

As someone who worked for Westwood Studios for many years and who has a special place in his heart for the Command and Conquer series, this is heartbreaking to see what Westwood Studio’s legacy has become. This is a sad day.

Command & Conquer Rivals Isn’t What Fans Wanted, But It’s Fun So Go Fuck Yourself EA

It just needs... that guys leg.

That is where I’m leaning at this point. I like to pretend that C&C3 was the last entry in the series.

I would love a real C&C game, a real Dune game, another game in the style of Rise of Nations, and a return to real Warcraft games. I’m afraid they’d all be ruined, though, just as C&C appears to be here. I’m hoping that AoE4 doesn’t suck.