
It’s a very brief period of time where you get to a pokestop.  The rest of it is just enjoying a walk.

I do when I’m out on normal walks.  It’s something to do.

What the fuck?  Put it back!

We absolutely need to defend video games. Failing to do so risks needless and restrictive regulations, or worse - censorship, on one of the best forms of art in Modern times. Defending video games is akin to defending the 1st Amendment.

Outrage aimed at everything, regardless of how minute is exhausting.  It’s a character.  He doesn’t exist.  He isn’t real.  It’s what Blizzard wanted their character to be.  Not everything is going to fit into everyone’s ideal comfort zone and not everything is going to accurately describe how things are in real life.

I like the fact that Lions fans hate the Packers just as much as the Bears and Vikings, but Packers fans just look at us and say to themselves: “Aw shucks, that’s adorable.  Go gettem lil’ buddies.

I might be thinking too small here, but I need this for Overwatch.

Being harassed doesn’t necessarily mean you let it get to you.  

Something tells me this survey is bullshit.  That percentage is way too low.

This looks like one of the more interesting characters in the roster based on his origin story alone.  Are you basing how interesting he is based on his race?  Because, you’re doing yourself a disservice.

I am so stoked for this.

Counterpoint, Counterpoint: He had to run backwards often to gain yards because his team was garbage and the only way to take defenders out of the play was to break their ankles. Emmitt does nothing if he winds up on this Lions team except for fade into obscurity.  That’s not a knock on Emmit, that’s a knock on the

I didn’t take it as a belittlement of Emmitt, so much as a belittlement of the Lions.

Corey Schlesinger(FB) was a beast, though.

This. 100% this.  I’m afraid a 2-2-2 lock is going to do nothing but enforce a mirror comp strategy, and that will suck.

I didn’t know they killed them.  I thought they just ran from them and that was it...

The tanks themselves, apart from a fully charged Zarya (Zarya does more damage when she puts a protective barrier on her teammates, and the enemy teams hits the barrier), don’t actually do much damage. Teamfights are mostly won and lost based on who has their ultimate abilities fully charged, and who does not.

As an off-tank who frequently has to flex to main tank, McCree is now the devil. :)

I’m not a fan of the proposed changes. Pro teams clung to GOATs for so long because they didn’t have the time or energy to spend on looking for strategies to counter it. Now that Chengdu, and to a better degree, Houston and Valiant have shown people how to effectively counter it, it seems like a 2-2-2 lock is a

So far it all looks fine to me.