
People: I can’t wait to see Midgar in full HD!

omg I forgot about the Midgar Zolom....

I liked it too.  Not as much as the first, but I still liked it a lot.

I prefer it over Slack for work. Since I’m using a lot of Microsoft products in my day-to-day, it integrates nicely.

Yes, we are.

I would really like for this publication to adopt a policy of “no complaints without a proposal”. I get that you can recognize that something is wrong, and not like it without knowing what to do about it, but that is largely useless, and lazy.

I’m not sure this is a problem for Twitch to solve. He was able to ban them, and a bot could easily do this too. They provide ways to manage this:

Coming from someone who really likes the multiplayer facet of this game - I completely agree with you.

It felt very Anakin Skywalker-like.  One minute she’s a sane, but conflicted individual and then for little reason at all...falls off the deep end.

I’m sure she had to make a few stops at the local BP to refuel that they cut out of the show.

All I can really do is pity you.  It must be exhausting to have that severe of a victim complex.

It really depends. Some games you expect to be close, and they’re landslides. Others you expect to be landslides, and they’re nail-biters. Others look like landslides on the scoreboard at the end of the game, but in actuality were much closer.

Probably because they have a gameplay design in mind for her, and she doesn’t fit what the current meta needs.

It’s just not your thing, I guess.  It happens.

I’m a developer as well(not for games, though). This hits pretty close to home, because it’s so truthful. What hurts even more, is that as the developer, you know you’ll need to care for this abortion of a project long after its been released.

Did you read the story?  If the story is true, then this is a legitimate case where a person was sexually harassed.

Same.  After the 0-16 season I tried really hard to be a Philly fan.  It didn’t work out.  I was a Lions fan again in merely a few weeks.

Spoilers mostly. But I’m with you, man. There is nothing better than seeing a movie in a sparsely populated theater. For typical movies I want to see, I wait two weeks. This one though to try to avoid memes that spoil parts of it.

It’s like that for a lot of traditional sports starting out as well, but what traditional sport have going for it is a central focal point (a ball). If you stick with it and learn the what the different heroes are and what they can do, you start to see the strategy unfold from all of the chaos.

Frequency of reports, I’m guessing.