
Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer.  Good on that Blizzard employee.


Regardless of what you think of him (and trust me - I’m not a fan, I thought what he did with the Muma situation was childish and petty), it’s not justification to fabricate lies. That’s not journalism, it’s not okay, and it’s libel.

Update: Article has been fixed.

Appreciate the correction.

I didn’t notice this on the first time reading this until I saw this tweet:

Honestly, this makes complete sense for him. I watch him stream a lot, and he’s pretty entertaining.

Typically I’m willing to give benefit of the doubt, but if true - these situations seem pretty damning.

Just play.  You’ll get credits and the occasional event skin.

He doesn’t believe the things he says.  He’s playing a character to peddle his snake oil products.

Right?  That’s all I’m asking for.  The ability to erect my penis shaped tower in peace.

There are only two right answers for the title of ‘Best Companion’. Those are Dogmeat, and Longfellow. Both for the same reason:



Why don’t our congressmen know what the 1st Amendment protects.  The 1st Amendment does not protect you from censorship from private entities.  Only the government.

Is this a CW show?  As far as movies go...this looks terrible so far.

Nah.  Worst case scenario is only a zombie apocalypse. 

It really is.  Or at the very least, only use your personal views on accounts without your employer’s name plastered all over it.

Arenanet made the right decision. This person was toxic as hell. Crying sexism is not a get out of jail free card for everything. Nothing was sexist about this incident.

I’m sorry, what solutions and resources has this blog offered to help those kids?