
Have you tried raining a little justice from above?

We’re all on perpetual call while voicing our opinions on twitter. That’s why so many people, game developer or not, get fired for things they say while on twitter. You’re an employee to your company, and what you say on twitter can hurt your company’s image.

I love this style of anime.  This is awesome.

Respect the goddamn period and capital “V”.  It’s D.Va, heathen.  Agree with me or I’ll prove your point even further.

If you can’t explain why something is racist...maybe it isn’t.

“My Bad”

Does this mean cool new NASA stuff? Because if they redirect current military funding to cool new NASA stuff, I’m in.

As far as I’m

The pharah who runs out of fuel and gently falls into the pit of dispair. Yeah, that sounds like Orlovsky...

Overwatch League matches are best-of-five maps, although if one team wins the first three maps they play a fourth for some stupid reason.

You’re a hero of my childhood, friend.

I loved every second of this article. Well done, Chris.

hmm, I assumed they got the IP rights when they bought Westwood.

Me? I’m just sitting here waiting for the next Dune game.

Just leave it dead. It doesn’t deserve to be ‘fixed’ at this point. Any new games will likely just hurt what legacy the original games have left.

C&C: Tiberian Dawn got me into PC gaming in the 90s. It was my favorite gaming franchise right up until C&C4 became the final straw. Fuck EA.

Blow it up again?

She’s basically an off-tank specialist. D.Va, Zarya, Brigitte (I know she’s support, but she’s really an off-tank).

I feel like Shanghai’s record doesn’t match up with their ability, all they really need is a good support lineup. For some reason their tanks (Fearless and Geguri) seem to be solid in terms of individual skill, but they don’t seem to sync up well. Maybe that’s just my untrained eye though.

Our stick is still firmly implanted.