
Jeff Kaplan said they were looking at her. He noted that she’s one of those heroes where slight changes can cause her play-style to feel overly oppressive though, so they take a lot of care with anything they change about her.

She needed a nerf. I’m not sure about this hard of a nerf, but she needed one.

When in the history of mankind has any government, organization, or other large collective entity ever shut itself down as recompense when a small group within it fucked up?

You’re asking the NCAA to shut itself down. Seriously?

Dantonio and Izzo both have the authority to at the very least suspend players when those players are the subject of criminal investigations. That did not happen.

Striker got them something!

Which is a shame, because Junkertown is easily my favorite map when there is no Orisa/Bastion pirate ship on the attacking team.

I’m in the exact same boat.

Was a league sanction, but now it’s a team one (the team placed more strict punishments on him. He’s out for Stage 1 of the season.)

Apply education overs insults. Otherwise he has no hope of changing.

Now playing

Loved the Doomfist Anime short they did, too. Not sure if it was the same people, but man I would love an Overwatch show like this:

I wish I had the money to blow on this. This lego set looks so cool.

I wish I had the money to blow on this. This lego set looks so cool.

I admit, I see a lot of tweets of ‘his’ posted online and sometimes I can’t tell real from fake.

If it’s more cost effective to use kiosks, he should do it. Instead of a minimum wage, we should consider a UBI. Automation will kill a lot of jobs in the next 50 years, potentially even mine (I’m a programmer). We’ll need something to manage the great swath of people who won’t be employed any longer.

Lesson 4: Don’t rush it. If it needs to be delayed for polish, then let it be delayed for polish.

It would be my honor for you to call crappy things buttcheeks. :)

WatchESPN is also buttcheeks. Thing crashes non-stop for me.

Pass. Unfortunate, because the show looks decent.

Imagine if everyone had to play the perennial-powerhouse Mercer, though. I don’t know how Alabama got through that grueling slug-fest. That’s the definition of “quality win”, right there.

I like the professional tone of this article. No speculation or obtuse jumps to conclusions. Simply statements from both perspectives of the issue.