
That’s what bowl games were before the playoffs, too...

In OW, you don’t typically get duplicates anymore unless you’ve unlocked everything in that loot tier. But you typically get a fraction of the ‘credits’ (ingame currency used to purchase things from lootboxes directly) of the worth of the item.

Take it from me. Just play the game as-is and think of the loot boxes as purely bonus material.

I agree that this would give more legitimacy to the sport. If you changed their ‘handles’ to their last names and left their typical handles as ‘nicknames’ from which to refer to them from time to time (Like Marshawn Lynch is ‘Beast Mode’, Calvin Johnson was ‘Megatron’, ect.), it would make the presentation better in


Typically if there is a government initiative, the thing it says it’s doing is actually the opposite of the thing it’s actually doing.

As a general rule: Quick Play is for fun, Competitive is for winning. That’s why I usually play Quick Play (and mystery heroes), but I do follow competitive.

No D.Va skin :(

You’re right, but don’t be hard on him, guys. He’s in a crappy situation and likely just needed an outlet.

Which is a shame. If it weren’t for the ‘lingerie’ part (which, let’s face it - just looks comically stupid), I would love watching it. Put them in normal equipment, with normal pads, and play the game.

I was wondering if someone would know where I got the name from!

If the roles were reversed, and a Japanese guy took the pen name Jim-Bob Cooter, I wouldn’t take that as racism. Stupid, but not racist.

I want them just so a service opens up where I can hail a car at any point in time (I live in a rural community on the outskirts of suburbia). I hate vehicle maintenance. If I can eliminate it all together AND chill while I go somewhere, that would be amazing.

Purdue* University (first paragraph)

Tell them you have to remove government subsidized ISPs before you could remove the safety net of Net Neutrality. No one else can compete so long as government already chooses winners and losers, and the winners would experience nearly no competition in the current climate.

Reminds me of this:

I doubt it since they sell lootboxes for real currency, but I would imagine they would be able to adapt quickly. They could keep their current lootbox system for in-game progression, but simply sell credits directly for real currency and remove the sale of lootboxes for real currency. Since the element of ‘chance’ is

Or they’ll have to go back to the expansion model (which I would love, personally).

If some states here (like Hawaii is considering) restrictions on these games, they may need to slap an AO rating on it. In which case, they (loot boxes) may become too difficult to manage and the model may need to be dropped altogether.

Likely depends on who you’re speaking to. Some ancaps go crazy with the small government thing, almost opting for unrestricted capitalism (which to me, is a different form of oppression, but I digress).