
No offense taken.

Aww, today I learned I’m insufferable. :(

Agreed. This is a good comment, so I starred you in the hopes that you leave the grays.

Technically, that’s a classic ‘liberal’ ideal.

I don’t know man. With Overwatch, it never even crosses my mind to buy loot boxes for real money, because I get them so frequently. I just think of them as drops in an MMO. I play for a while, and get a set of random items.

Oddly enough, French fries too (or so I’ve heard many Belgians claim).

They should just change D.Va so that when she’s ressed, she’s in her mech (no call mech required). No other character is hamstrung for that long after being ressed.

I agree, the Mei one is BS (Unless it gets eaten by defense matrix). That D.Va one is fine to me though. I say that as a D.Va main. If you call your mech in the middle of a battle, you know the risk you’re taking.

Are you asking me, or the Supreme Court?

Good to know the phone companies are doing their job.

Yes you do. Because the 2nd Amendment hasn’t been repealed.

So you foresee there being a world market for maybe 5 quantum computers?

By all means. Introduce a repeal of the second amendment. We have a democratic means of changing the constitution if you don’t like it.

Heck, even college teams largely have players from outside of the college’s state.

After the World Cup? You bet I am. Being from Michigan, I don’t know who will be ‘my’ team yet, though. Thinking Houston, Seoul (those jerseys), or Dallas.

Agreed. I wasn’t sure how the OWL was going to work before watching this. The enhanced production values and spectator mode made it much more enjoyable.

Saw US vs. South Korea. USA played them strong. I honestly thought it was going to be a 3-0 bloodbath where SK steamrolled them. That was not the case. In the end it was 3-1, but so many games of those games SK walked away with came down to the wire.

You should include all of the uniforms too. Here is a reddit thread with a picture linked in the post of all of the uniforms/logos:

Because even a successful assassination attempt would be a declaration of war where we would have little allied support (because we initiated it) and would result in our innocent soldiers getting killed.

There is far more good than bad on reddit. You’re throwing the baby out with the bathwater.