
It sure is.

Yeah...that’s totally what I did. It wasn’t a mistake at all...I was totally doing it just to be clever...Yeah, we’ll go with that.

Still a cool set, never the less.

Kane: It would be a sad error in judgement to mistake me for a corpse.

I get that there is going to be some bleed over - especially with political hot-button science like climate change. I just prefer articles here to be science first, politics second in that regard. There is just quite a few articles here on where I think to myself - is this really a scientific topic, or a political

Agreed. I wish there was a website in this family that was just dedicated to political stuff so it could all be put there instead. I think that used to be gawker.

Right? If one person has this much power over a nation. Maybe, just maybe we need to reign in that power.

I forgot about the jump to conclusions matt!

Well, this is an interesting game of ‘jump to conclusions’ you two are having.

What is the temperature at which data burns? I have an idea for a book.

I keep hearing “it can’t be done” and “it’s not feasible”. Maybe this is Elon taking a gamble to prove it is. If it is, it’ll be an easier sell to bigger governments.

Bad but good...A surprisingly good description of Demolition Man.

The United States has no national language. The primary language is English, but many people are unable to speak it.

They get to learn their own language AND have some autonomy? The audacity!

Google or not, don’t take information at face value without checking the source (I mean 4chan, really?)- ESPECIALLY on a breaking story like this. Even major news outlets get first reports wrong often. Even from something like CNN, I’ll check the news with the full expectation that any of the details I’m reading could

It’s 2017. There is no such thing as a reasonable discussion on the internet. You either agree with him 100% on every topic, or you are Satan-incarnate. There is no middle ground.

I’ve cut back a lot on my meat consumption, but it’ll be a cold day in hell when I completely substitute vegetables for meat.

That is really cool. Starting to actually get hyped for this.

I agree. Cooler heads need to prevail here. This is serious war we’re talking about here, not a bar fight. The greatest form of supporting our troops is to not put them into harms way needlessly to begin with.

Makes sense to me. Run off the clock to 00:00 and give the offense one last play.