
You can’t colonize Jupiter or Saturn.

My biggest issue with this game is the inventory management. My goodness do you get a lot of weird items that seem to be fairly useless, but at the same time you’re afraid to trash because you might need them later for some odd reason.

To expand on your point, those people are likely also consulted and/or have to attend meetings about these systems as well - even if they don’t directly work on them. Distractions (even meaningful ones) are pretty draining to the development process.

That’s a good video.

I think the demand for ‘battle Mercy’ will come down. They’ve greatly nerfed her pistol in Valkyrie so it’s likely that you’ll be healing/powering up while in that mode when the new Mercy goes live.

Why? The change from my perspective will have very little impact on how I played the character to begin with. I usually tempo-ressed anyway (1-2 person resurrect, so as to not let your become shorthanded), so her res changes don’t particularly concern me.

I use for my RSS feeds. It saves me a lot of time. All of my feeds broken up into a 5 column layout. It’s been my go-to since iGoogle shut down.

I get what you’re saying and agree with it to some degree, but the metaphor isn’t completely appropriate. Fire is constant and materials change at a slow rate. Information security changes rapidly relative to fire codes. Furthermore, I’m willing to bet there are far more people looking to gain access to this type

Here’s the issue with your message. I detest Trump, and won’t vote for him. But damn if you don’t do an excellent job of shoving people away. You see, I’m not particularly a fan of racism, or sexism. Your message has both.

Valid point.

Isn’t that a similar argument made to push voter ID cards?

Glad to see our government is pissing away our money hunting dangerous you-tubers hopped up on bee-sauce.

The Ultimate insult that keeps giving is when they roll out Millen to call a Wolverines or Spartans game. It’s that situation that gives me an appreciation for how African Americans feel when they see a Confederate monument. Like the past is over, but it’s always staring you in the damn face.

This Detroit Lions fan agrees with you. 2 for 2 on the spider bag.

Sometimes there are a few of survivors, but usually one gets shot and another gets stolen.

So do you hate people in tech, people with money, or just a combination of the two? Seriously, why the animosity against people with success enjoying a hobby? Are they hurting you?

Might be able to do it in quarters. Like if you do 75% of the damage, you get .75, but a killing blow will always net 1. I’d still place a greater importance on the killing blow, because it’s deathmatch and not damagematch.

I’m drawing similarities between these people and the Westboro Baptist Church.

I agree. All Google had to do was say: “We hear you, but because of <evidence>, we’re going to continue to pursue the direction of our current corporate culture”. Topic over.

As a Michigander I’m okay with treating people from that state down south as sub-human (I’m kidding).