
You’re a refreshing voice of reason.

Desktop applications are still integral to my daily function.

I only assume you’re not aware of this, but the United States is literally the definition for what makes a first world nation. Yes, I’m being an asshole that is overlooking context for semantics.

I have two children. If I had to do a roadtrip and I had the means to do what you did, I would in a heartbeat. Nothing beats glorious silence.

Depending on whom you ask, Ailes either cultivated or destroyed American conservative politics.

Yeah, I’m with you. That blurriness looks like garbage. I hated it then and I hate it now.

A sad day for polandball meme artists everywhere.

This Michigander(ganian?) also shares your sentiment.

I wonder why they left that out...They must be beetling themselves up right now.

Yeah, I’m with you. I have Netflix, and I have Prime. If they’re not on those I’ll be skipping it.

The existence of a private service for some people that you can’t use does not screw you over. Especially when other services exist that you can use.

For Reference:

Is this just a console issue? On PC she’s not OP at all. I never play her, but she’s rarely the devastating force I read about on websites.

There’s no need to inject more cancer into politics.

I loved Evil Genius. Can’t wait for the sequel.

I wanted to like this show. I really did. The repetitious montages made it unbearable, though. I honestly get why they’re getting rid of this show.

I’m sure (at least I hope) access would still be monitored.

Your figures don’t take in to account that firearms are rudimentary technology and will never, ever cost $10 million dollars. Also, bullets will never, ever cost $5,000 for the same reason.

This...actually looks kind of cool.

I’m not sure there is procedure for an election found with corruption after the fact. It probably undergoes normal impeachment proceedings that would oust the President and Vice President and give it to the next person in succession.