
I would imagine he though he could use his position to influence him toward taking steps to improve the climate. Now that he realizes he cannot, he’s leaving.

Keep your head down, OR LOSE IT!

Is there a D.Va on the enemy team?



Excellent point.

A slippery slope. “You accept this is true, so surely this is allowed too”. This is the crux of how we lose our rights incrementally.

Did they have a warrant?

‘Elimination’? How do you propose ‘elimination’ of a religion? Are you going to round up people for their beliefs? Even the innocent ones (which are most of them)? I’m honestly curious because every time you ask someone how they would eliminate a religion, they suddenly become very quiet.

Sounds like a win-win if the cost is low and it’s made widely available.

While I recognize that this wasn’t a scenario in which the government forced a Microsoft to have a backdoor

An excellent example for why companies should not be forced to provide government back-doors. While I recognize that this wasn’t a scenario in which the government forced a Microsoft to have a backdoor, it would ultimately play out exactly the same as we see here.

Provide proof. I’m uninterested in hearsay.

Yes, I am. You can’t have it both ways. If you censor hate speech, you can’t play favorites. I would prefer no censorship, and let the court of public opinion beat down idiot stances like the one represented in this post, and its opposite sex counterpart.

Censorship is all fun and games until you’re the one being censored. I guess what’s good for the gander, is good for the goose this time.

I suspect Nargles

What you’re asking for has been implemented elsewhere - China. Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.

This reminds me that I want more documentaries like Cosmos.

This was the first thing I asked myself too. You guys just got chased by a bear, and less than five seconds after it gives up, you stop? Keep going! Ride until you’re out of the woods and then ride some more just to be sure!

I subscribed to it. Watched two videos, and decided nature was too metal for me and unsubscribed. Now I’m mocking myself internally for being such a namby-pamby.