Really G(r)eek Porn

wrong skin colour.... hello... Ali to Allen. That isn't about skin color. Thats about removing all cultural references to the original story. You might as well call it.. Allen Baber and the 40 thugs.

10 bucks says the only Arab or Arab-like person in the Ali Baba flick is the plucky, silly, comedic sidekick to "Allen".

"Allen Baba and the Forty Thieves"? Only white guys being considered? *eyeroll*

Except they won't be playing Ali Baba. The folk tale is being updated and Ali has become Allen. I'm not sure which is worse, color-blind casting or completely stripping the story of its cultural elements ... <remembers Jake Gyllenhaal in Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time> ... well maybe an Americanized update

I CAN SEE THE FUTURE. Allen and the Forty Thieves will have a white dude for the main character, and a white girl for the love interest, but all the thieves are going to be nice and reassuringly brown.

Who you gonna call?

We need a Lois Lane movie.

Can we please do an article on why three of the whitest actors in Hollywood are being courted to play a character named Ali Baba (probably changed to Alex Babson or something).

Liam Hemsworth (The Hunger Games), Dan Stevens (Downtown Abbey), and Evan Peters (X-Men: Days of Future Past) are said to be in contention to play Allen, the film's version of Ali Baba.

A movie based on an Arabian folk tale? Better cast a white guy!

"...are said to be in contention to play Allen, the film's version of Ali Baba."

I'm watching this through my fingers and my urgent question, which I just screamed aloud to anyone who will listen (potential audience: husband, 2 cats, maybe a ghost), is WHY DON'T THEY SHOW THE EMPTY HOLE AT THE END? THAT'S OBVIOUSLY THE BEST BIT.

You're not wrong, but ain't nobody got time to pay those medical bills. We are too broke.

That explains a lot! I had always thought regular pimples couldn't wait 20 years without either bursting the skin on their own or going away and was terribly confused.

Oh God Mark, WHYYYYYY???


the toddler "did not disclose any information that would warrant a criminal investigation."

This is someone who was hanging out at a trendy, crowded place, it was caught on video, and she went straight to the police, once she figured out what happened. She did everything that every asshole who responds with "BUT DID SHE DO THIS" after hearing a rape account asks about. And she still hasn't seen justice.

Ever hear someone say to order a pizza and call the cops and see who gets there first? I accidentally did that when I found a crackhead in my neighbors backyard in New Orleans smoking crack. I had just ordered the pizza and heard yelling then went outside to look. I think it took the cops 45 minutes to show up but by

I was pissed off until I got to the toddler bit, and now I reckon I could actually kill someone.