That was his first mistake ;)
That was his first mistake ;)
Wow that aston looks stupid!
Let’s be real. Most of these would be boring to read about. The Morgan 3-Wheeler would be amazing to read about!
Mind blown! that`s so weird! I`m scared.
Lamborghini Superleghetto*
A circle of you looking like a child while I clearly don’t care? Yep! :)
Your bigger numbers are generally attached to homicide rates, average human weight, marathon times, national debt, waistlines and calories. I’ll keep those numbers low for me :)
God damn, five is a big number!
Calling people “Nazi pussies” makes you look like an adult with no more than a third grade education.
No it isn’t.. It’s just the first to attach a surfboard to a motorcycle lol
That’s really neat! I did not know that!
Aiming a gun at someone is displaying intent to kill. No one deserves to be killed over an exchange of words regardless of the tone. Especially in a traffic altercation. But many Americans feel entitled to be complete idiots by waving guns around and then wonder why the rest of the world points and laughs at the…
The USA shall prepare for another war of Americans shooting Americans while the other Americans are scared of the rest of the Americans.
So he drives to the closest city and buys one... Way too easy to get something designed for no reason other than killing..
Haha no! They are generally more intellectual though ;)
Funny thing is,, I’m serious...
Why are people allowed handguns in your country?! Jesus...
I don’t doubt it! I used to have a coupe car that held enough. I even could make it for camping trips! I tried pushing my brother into the Genesis coupe, but he bought the Veloster so he could fit his drums. I would have lent him my enslosed trailer for them, but alas.
My friend brought home a pre-production Hyundai Genesis Coupe with the V8 once! It was pretty much badass all around. Terrible fitment, missing interior panels, no airbags, “VIN” was a bunch of zeros! Perhaps we’ll be seeing that setup in the future? It got crushed (or dismantled? They didn’t really know) weeks after…
Yeah, no. Kinda a PITA to get to if you’re dealing with things larger than a pencil. Or empty fast food bags. That’s what fills my back seat! OM NOM NOM NOM