
My auto lights frequently don’t come on during snow, rain, or fog. I’m an advocator for always on rear lights. Some people simply don’t get it!

Oh god. NO! No more RCA!! And Zenith?! It died for a reason! haha

I want to call you a douche... But I don’t think you’re wrong. I have seen it happen before. My girlfriend’s grandmother just left marriage number 5... She has taken two houses, cars (recent one is a new Buick sedan-thing). She had $200,000 in the bank from her previous marriage that she blew on cruises and

WTF is woke? Awake? Not sleeping?

Sweet mother of batonking. I forgot about those...

Someone’s gotta do it, right?

I guess you could say the same thing about old school hot roders. They took respectable cars and made them stupid! lol It’s just the modern way of it happening.

Does this page to COTD? Because this is COTD material!

Huh? I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to explain this to me. He paid for something he didn’t get. Something’s gotta give.

METALLICA! I’m jealous btw!

When I saw Imagine Dragons they were early! It was really strange!

I think you’re mixing them up with Rogers... Holy fucking shit! At least it was easy to cancel my services with Bell. Rogers continued to bill me after cancelling; then they proceeded to refund me with a credit to my account [which I just fucking cancelled] after I said “no, credit card refund please”. Bell simply

I’m part of the minority too. I don’t even own a TV so perhaps my inclusion to the minority is excusable.

The US thinks they own everything. Can we just agree on that? Ughh

Ignore and bend reality!

Now it’s the rich and “wanna-be rich” folks who don’t wear them! haha

Well, you are stunned either way! ;)

Of course. But some of the auto manufacturers here are not unionised, which is why I suggested both options. Toyota is a great example. Employees are paid on a performance based salary. They are encouraged to give their own input on changes that should be made, and they are actually considered. Employee turnover

Half of the Japanese vehicles are designed and built in the US too! Well, maybe not quite half, but a lot! Then again, who cares?! Global market yo!

Just move it up to Canada or ditch the unions. Or do both. It’s working wonders for Toyota!