
Thanks to that Lenny Kravitz photo with accompanying text, I am currently six weeks pregnant.

I find that the days I fill in my brows, people respond more to my authoritative voice, as opposed to the days where it feels like I need to flatter and smile at folks in order to get them to do their damn jobs.

I am so glad you plugged Running with the Mind of Meditation. No other running-related text inspired me even have as much as that book, and I am constantly recalling its' advice and suggestions, especially when I am back at a tiger run, focusing on my breathing and where my feet are going.

Fuck yes I wanted to high five everyone. Because I came in with a problem (unwanted pregnancy) that was weighing heavily on my mind, and when I left, said problem had been taken care of. My reaction? Relief. Beautiful, blissful relief. Giddiness? Sure, I guess I was giddy over the fact that I live in the present, and

Because being relieved that I would not be forced to raise a human life that I (and the father) was in no way prepared to do, and if I had been forced, that poor kid would have dealt with a mountain of issues and resentments that no one should have to wade through is callous? Ha! Whatever gets your moral superiority

How did this comment get banished back to the greys?

Those situations are awesome because they are spontaneous and genuine. Harping on a failed relationship and envisioning (hell, even outright planning) revenge almost never pays off the way the random moments of "yeah, you done fucked up" do.

Holy shit, BBQ is the perfect choice. I'm gobsmacked it never occurred to me.

I wanted to high-five everyone on my way out the door of the clinic, so yes, guilt free abortions most definitely exist. There was never a doubt in my mind that I was making the right choice and I never wavered from making it.

The older I get, and more people I meet, the less swayed I am by the claim "But he/she went to [insert brand name school here]!" as proof of intelligence. I've known some stone cold simpletons who went to Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and other notable institutions of learning and the common thread was that they (read:

Would you and a guest of your choosing like to come to my upcoming nuptials? Camping weekend with lots of music and booze...

Not everyone has a car, nor lives near regularly scheduled public transit. For those people, a 50 mile roundtrip with an abortion sandwiched in the middle would be hugely inconvenient.

Oh hello, my junior high experience.

I can't even talk about Nikolaj Coster-Waldau right now, the raging Jaime Lannister fangirl within would be foaming at the mouth.

Then why is the acting in porn so terrible?

It was written as such a teenage infatuation in the books, I was mightily embarrassed for her. I wonder if the show is going to go ahead and let it get that annoying.

Yeah, awesome scenes where she smirked and the dragons did the heavy lifting. Don't get me wrong, I like said awesome scenes, but she wasn't the reason they were awesome. Any of the other women had equally awesome scenes where they were the ones making it awesome.

Not even the whole Harpy business was remotely interesting. Just like, "Well...what did you expect?" But I hope the show really has her falling hard (for Daario and from her pedestal) so it doesn't feel like forty years of wandering and occasional glimpses of Dany's nipples for an entire season.

I wonder if the viewing audience will feel similarly towards Dany's character as us book readers do right about now. (Well, I don't know about you personally, but every time I saw her chapters in DwD, I whispered a quick prayer to the Stranger that Drogon would eat her.)

Yeah, I wanted some blue hair, yellow lace, and a gel manicure, damn it!