
Gentlemen, gentlemen. We can reach common ground here. Whether you're trying to control women by restricting their rights and blaming them for rape if they're even slightly uncovered, or reinforcing the idea that they are ultimately decorative objects to be held to an impossible standard of beauty, at least we can all

I think you misread his bracelet, Madeleine. It stood for What Would Jenner Do. It reflects that bizarre grin-and-bear it look that Bruce Jenner seems to get when he's around his wife in public. I'm sure Kanye needed to be reminded of that today.

I really have no point of reference here. I mean, no one in my close family has had one, and my GF has never been pregnant either.

We weren't aware that women also had to feel a certain way about their own abortions to satisfy your personal sense of morality. No, you don't get to pull the "don't tell me how to feel" card when you're doing that to other women. You can support open access to abortion on a legislative level all you want, but when

Dude, you need to up your reading comprehension game, stat.

Two more punches on my card at Planned Parenthood and I get a free smoothie! #untruestereotypes

I fail to understand why the abortion narrative has to involve mental anguish.

Guilt free? Only if it's low calorie.... Oh wait this is abortion. Yes I think there are plenty of those. I don't think you could pay me to even feign guilt if I obtained a abortion. But I'm a "cold hearted leftie biologist" and as far as I'm concerned the zygote mattereth not unless you very much wish it to

No, the conservative myth is that abortion is "ending a life." It doesn't make me callous to terminate a pregnancy, and it does make you bizarre to demand that I weep about it or be written off as a "carefree, consequence-free [person] willing to callously end lives for [my] own convenience."

I think part of the disconnect here is that not everyone believes it is taking a life, at least not in a meaningful way. I had an abortion at 8 weeks and did a lot of research into the stage of development my fetus would be at before I went through with it. I honestly felt like the cow that died to create the

So, in other words, you're not actually "extremely pro-choice."

Just like there are guilt-free root canals, coronary bypasses, appendectomies, etc there are guilt-free abortions. I'd say most medical procedures are done without guilt.

Yes, there are. I didn't feel even a little bit guilty about mine. I never considered raising the child for even an instant, and an instant was about as long as it took to realize that adoption would be completely unworkable. I was lucky enough to get an appointment quickly. The appointment lasted a little less than

If I didn't have an abortion, I'd be the single mother of a ten-year-old right now. I can't picture it.

But that is like, accidental revenge. You didn't set out to stalk her so she'd see you in the best shape of your life. That would have been lame.

I would still feel a twinge about ending a life. I think just about anyone with a conscience would. It's an incredibly difficult thing to do, even if you've got very good reasons for doing it.

Abortion is a hard decision for some, and a really easy decision for others; some women would really like to have a baby, and they just aren't sure if they can have one right *now*, while other women know with every fiber of their being that they do not want to be a mother right now or possibly ever. For those that

I had a harder choice in deciding where to go for dinner afterwards. The answer was BBQ.

Yes, there's as much guilt-free abortion as there is guilt-free birth control - the purpose is to prevent a child coming into this world if it is not wanted, or if it would face problems such as a life in poverty, severe health problems, or abuse. I'd feel more guilt over making a child suffer or do without every