
For the fuck of shit, America. Why don't we just cut the pretense and embrace the Female Tax? It can be a one-stop shop for all your institutionalized sexism needs. Think of all the time you'll save by forcing us to drag our ball and chain down to the Female office and pay our fine for existing instead of coming up

Are you snapping sassily more frequently? Have you adopted more than one cat this week? Details are important.

To be fair, this was the first draft of the bio:

I think this might be the only way a lot of older Fox News bots get any non-terrible viewpoints on the Trayvon Martin case. The viewing audience will overlap a great deal. Maybe it could do something good. Maybe. *gives shifty side-eye*

Well, you're a better lady than I am, obviously.

I have F E E L I N G S (v. v. bad ones) about this mascara. I'll post below what I put on my blog about it:

Well, maybe if Barry would stop signing laws with his uterus in blood ink while in a pink pantsuit, he would get paid more.

Boobs for Boobs: The Fox Nation Story.

Slow clap. Well done.

It appears to have a subtle check on it — dusky rose and grey/blue?

Thank you so much for bringing this into my life!

How, exactly, do assholes Twitter so effectively? Do they poop with such velocity and accuracy on the iPad screen that the splatters form words? Ideas, not so much.

No No — I'm picking on this asshat and his victim-blaming. :)

"Women, like, created the Patriarchy because they're so fuckin' catty, amIrite? LOL we're just along for the ride, you dumb cunts."

Teddy said the decision to play the game with women instead of men was "arbitrary."

It's so very amazing what sperm can do. They make sub-men (women) tell the truth, they write better laws, they drive better (and without hands!), and they make more money (and without brains!). Now, if you'll excuse me, I need my daily Sperm Injection (TM) (wink wink) so I can stop being hysterical.

For Jesus said, "Fuck those plebes who make us money! If they want health care, let them use bootstraps, verily. Boil them down into an herbal tea or something."

Thank you for that!

Jebus, I depressed myself with that comment.

This shit will never end, because self-hatred for women in a billion dollar industry.