
Have...have we forgotten how to have babies? I mean, I’m not a woman and I’ll probably never have kids but...we, as a species, have been doing this for a while now. How can a “birthing method” be trendy? Are people actually going to comment on the particular artistry with which you fire the baby cannon?

Starred for the lovely pedantry! That’s the kind of pedantry I can get behind!

Actually, not true. Only the Whiteface-type clown gets to be fully white. Generally, the Whiteface is the “leader” of the other clowns, though how much he is actually in control varies.

Well put. (not sarcasm)

Racism is Hungary is not as bad as in America? Source?

Fuck right off.

I feel like I shouldn’t have to tag *sarcasm* to everything, but maybe I do :(

Women should not go to college. The male students start missing class time due to all the raping.

People constantly (and I can’t emphasize this enough) mistake technical expertise/skill with skillful or interesting art. Saying that anyone could make the pictures she made is missing her point, which I think is partly that a lot of people (particularly women) do make pictures of themselves.

Yeah. It sounds slightly more like a real name and not Mr. MurderCorpse.

I know this is too much to ask, but will we get any backtracking from the fanboys who cried “THAT’S NOT MY SUPERMAN!” after Man of Steel now that it’s explicit canon that the Avengers caused just as much damage and killed just as many civilians?

The development of the character into a dude obsessed with recovering the control he lost in the third episode, leading him into an ever-increasing spiral of self-destructive behaviour, including drug abuse?

Eh. Locking a woman up and forcing her to do things has a very different feel to it. I don’t think the show wants to open that particular refrigerator.

Cheers to your mom for having your back!

I had a restaurant boss who liked to give big hugs. From behind. And try to push his dick against your butt WHILE YOU WERE WORKING BEHIND THE COUNTER. The only thing that tempered the disgust was that he was such a douche bag idiot that he wasn’t scary or even creepy, just really pathetic and gross.

I hate those creepy shoulder rubs. Don’t they just make you wanna scrunch your shoulders up in disgust?! Such a little thing but even thinking about it creeps me out ...

It really reminds me of how I like to make up slang for other countries I’ve never once been to and have little cultural knowledge on, like Australia.