
Scale birds!

Fun. Something else for me to worry about now that I’m a skirted-American. she has jizz on her head?

Eating people in the woods.

And get pounded in the butt by it.


Uhh....Derbel McDillet?

That’s kinda why I think he’s the best. Because he’s the worst.

And why stop at female? “What if they weren’t white?” “What if they weren’t straight”

I realize you’re using “DDD cups” as a stand-in for “overly sexualized female characters”, but there’s a bunch of reasons you shouldn’t do that, including

Even post-lava. In the comics Vader was cornered by an entire Rebel brigade including tanks and X-Wings.

I’m fairly certain, and none have been able to convince me otherwise, that The White Man’s Burden was meant to be sarcastic. There’s a certain bitter irony to it, like Kipling—now nearing the end of his life and looking back with a fair share of regrets—had realized that maybe his imperialist philosophy was ultimately

Oh my god. Now I can’t unsee that.

This is a movie set in the post-apocalypse year 2293 that features Sean Connery with a ponytail wearing some kind of red, leather, knee high boots/suspenders thing along with a fake god that spouts the following doctrine: The gun is good. The penis is evil. The penis shoots seeds, and makes new life to poison the

Tell me I’m not the only one who sees it.

so duck move,

Umm...but he had played the game. In fact, this all started over a video of him playing the game. In fact, he gave a combined total of over 3 hours playing the game live just to prove his point when the RoBros overreacted. If playing the game and letting people see what it was like for themselves is libel...

When Dean killed Zachariah, I used for the first time something that has become one of my gold standard phrases, trotted out for truly special occasions:

Would you believe that I only really got that joke a few weeks ago?