
What if I told Willie that wearing leggings allows me to make my queefs sound like a duck call?

Fuck Donald Trump and anyone else suggesting someone with a gun could stop these kinds of shootings.

I am clearly a lady Jesus because I find myself capable of having sympathy for lots of people simultaneously.

Because no one wants to see a man ass sandwich....

And up until the end, he still had supporters who would point to that exorcism as proof that he was above reproach.

Donating to charity is SUPPOSED to be anonymous, at least in Christianity.

You guys are totally missing it. The Joker’s real name is “Pudding Tame”. Ask him again and he’ll tell you the same.

why did i lol why why why why

Because somebody had to be the dumb point of view for the dumb members of the audience, so why not the woman scientist? It’s not like there was a non-scientist cop, an engineer jock, or a journalist in the room too. . .

I’m not arguing that the contract with the sea witch and giving up her voice isn’t incredibly powerful symbolism for what kind of agreement she’s making as a woman of the land. In the older story she even turns into foam because she won’t kill the prince, who has already married another. She gets thankless martyr

Bullshit! Ariel wanted to be out from under her father’s thumb and be able to explore dry land. Once she got out into the great big city... er, land, that’s when she was seduced by the only acceptable role for women, which is to be mute and beautiful and bang-able. Stay at home, kids!

This. Hands down.

"Speaking of uncomfortable attraction, Ariana Grande. Wow. I mean, she does everything to make herself look like a child playing dress-up with the clothes Mommy dances in, just works for her"

Forget it Ed. This is Kinjatown.