

This gif is never not applicable.

"I don't see what "training" you could do for that"

ugh but Dawkins is such a douche isn't there some other scientist I can refer people too?

That was so beautiful and heartbreaking. I hope you find some peace in 2015.

Mr. Nicol Bolas of the MtG universe is also very often [AKA: most of the time] a giant asshole.

From someone who lives in Dubai - you are welcome to never visit and live in your house of hypocrisy. Hope the view is great.

The Russians would win all three of those events every year

This was one of the lowest points in my four years of service but the treatment I received every day from my command and some of my coworkers was awful as well.

I'm not making a #notallmen argument here, but I think a lot of guys just don't understand what "entitled" means. This guy—he's obviously way, way out there, and probably doesn't apply, but I didn't realize that acting "entitled" is actually a thing until very recently, and I'm 30 years old. Generally, I try to

I would say Jesus, but he hated capitalism.

what about now? Does he still have to defend himself about getting a blown job from Monica? His reputation for the most part is intact. Monica had to run away to London and was unemployable for quite some time. I don't even know what she does for work these days. She is a social pariah with a giant A on her chest

You can take my pumpkin spice Oreos when you pry them from my cold, dead hands.

First off, you need to realize that EVERY woman you deal with online has been harassed to a degree you probably cannot imagine. One form of harassment is the Just Asking Questions dude. He demands an education but he has no intention of listening. Ever.

It should be especially effective against Dr. Acula.

Something like this?

the universe looks the same to science whether God exists or not.