
As for how long before a gay character can be the lead in one of these blockbusters… man.

Fair enough. I wasn’t singling out you, blame Kinja’s comment system. I just saw that she did make a few good points re: bathrooms in India, and there were a lot of people replying to her, and I chose you basically at random because there was no way for me to tell who was replying to which post.

I just want to say that I’m completely against this sort of legislation, but the person you’re responding to (not sure which particular post you’re responding too) has made a point. Separate bathrooms were established as part of early feminist reforms because, just like now, women faced sexual assault up to and

I think, in between the sex, violence, violent sex, and sexy violence, it’s easy to miss some of the little things that make Deadpool so great.

I keep seeing the expected defense: Men are no doubt described just the same.

Right, so, the “Men get it the same” defense.

Technically, there’s even more humans than that.

Have...have we forgotten how to have babies? I mean, I’m not a woman and I’ll probably never have kids but...we, as a species, have been doing this for a while now. How can a “birthing method” be trendy? Are people actually going to comment on the particular artistry with which you fire the baby cannon?

Let’s just say that I’ve had important people in my life who really liked clowns and leave it at that.

Actually, not true. Only the Whiteface-type clown gets to be fully white. Generally, the Whiteface is the “leader” of the other clowns, though how much he is actually in control varies.


To be fair to Anarky, it all made sense with the original reveal that he was a child. He’s what a 13 year old super genius who read a lot of philosophy but had a kid’s understanding of it all would think made for a politically motivated antihero.

My father’s side of the family is Old Southern lowland aristocracy my mother, during her formative years, lived variously in Pennsylvania, New York, Boston, and pre-Castro Miami, picking up a bit of everything to add to her family’s natural “I can’t believe they’re not Jewish” pseudo-Yiddish accent, and I grew up deep


Alexandra: If she wasn’t rocking weapons I’d think Quiet’s been made to wear this against her will. Because that is the only way someone would ever wear this.

That was one of my late girlfriend’s favorite movies. I have no idea there was a novelization.

I make a habit of defending things that people think are problematic and stupid, from every single Disney princess to Quiet from MGS5.

Now playing

This sums up my experience reading Jane Austen.
