
I thought she used makeup?

Oy. Thanks for that. Can’t say he’s much worse either than, say, Trump, but the Orange Goblin hasn’t actually been elected yet. Teach me to not thoroughly research everything I, probably not, but at least I learned something today.

...yes, in fact, that was why I said it like I did. I’m also aware that you can be a black, Jewish Romani. I’m starting to get the impression you’re looking for a fight, but I’m not going to oblige.

That’s kinda exactly what I said. Romani, Jews, and Muslims got it pretty rough over there, but, again, 5 mintues of research made it seem like as long as you’re not one of those, you’re mostly alright.

Can’t even remember. I admit that I don’t know what I’m talking about and was going off of about 5 minutes of research.

Not a clue. I was just going by about 5 minutes of research. If you’d like to inform me otherwise, I’m all ears.

Oh dear. Umm....okay...well, she’s from Hungary, so we really can’t apply our standards of offense to them. Racism in Hungary is not as bad as in America (we’re rated high, they’re rated medium), and is more often directed at the usual central European suspects: Muslims, Jews, and Romani. Austria-Hungary also never

Glad it’s not just me! I wrote a fairly long post on FB about it that I’ve been just passing around all the places I frequent as my stock response...but shit, I’m never getting out of the grays, so here it is:

I don’t watch Steven Universe–not for any real reason, just havent gotten around to it yet–so this is what I observed in the uncensored version:

I will say all those things and more about Gotham, then make out with it like the love interest in an action movie.

Real physics: Magnetic fields can be used to contain plasma. Electromagnetism is a single force.

The Stormtroopers in general are a lot more humanized, not just him. This scene:

In a movie that goes from (apparently) killing kids who fail their training to world leaders’ heads exploding with miniature rainbow mushroom clouds, and where Samuel L. Jackson plays a lisping, squeamish, socially inept billionaire while Colin Firth is a badass (but polite) action hero, THAT is the thing that is

I feel like I just watched someone disappear up their own ass like a reverse Ouroboros, and that I should clap in amazement.

Is there something that prevents her from pulling a Marvin Gaye Payin’ Dues and just recording an album of deliberate crap to get out of contract?

I would argue that Harry’s luck is not lazy writing, it’s an actual power for him. It’s only lazy writing when it comes out of nowhere, but he is consistently shown to be one lucky bastard throughout all the books.

Likewise, we all accept that Han is a badass, but no one complains about him shooting stormtroopers without even looking in this movie.

Hitting a wound like that is an actual body hack trick, but I’d not recommend it. Sudden pain is entirely different from the pain of an existing injury. While the latter causes you to treat the injury with care, the former causes the body to release endorphins and dull the pain in that area. It’s trading short-term

The First Order doesn’t use clones. In fact, Phasma specifically wishes they still had clones. When the Empire fell, the First Order was founded by escaping brass from the Empire, but they didn’t have either the resources or know-how to create an effective clone army. Instead, they switched to kidnapping children from