That’s kinda exactly what I said. Romani, Jews, and Muslims got it pretty rough over there, but, again, 5 mintues of research made it seem like as long as you’re not one of those, you’re mostly alright.
That’s kinda exactly what I said. Romani, Jews, and Muslims got it pretty rough over there, but, again, 5 mintues of research made it seem like as long as you’re not one of those, you’re mostly alright.
Can’t even remember. I admit that I don’t know what I’m talking about and was going off of about 5 minutes of research.
Not a clue. I was just going by about 5 minutes of research. If you’d like to inform me otherwise, I’m all ears.
Oh dear. Umm....okay...well, she’s from Hungary, so we really can’t apply our standards of offense to them. Racism in Hungary is not as bad as in America (we’re rated high, they’re rated medium), and is more often directed at the usual central European suspects: Muslims, Jews, and Romani. Austria-Hungary also never…
I feel like I just watched someone disappear up their own ass like a reverse Ouroboros, and that I should clap in amazement.
Is there something that prevents her from pulling a Marvin Gaye Payin’ Dues and just recording an album of deliberate crap to get out of contract?
You mean women, don’t you? Marvel has a huge female fan base through the movies. Instagram likewise is predominantly used by women.
You don’t understand. Getting rid of all those programs that support poor people will help them because job creators bootstraps capitalism GREATEST COUNTRY EVAR
I don’t think I could marry a woman who was not okay with me taking her name.
Do you remember Hakan’s Ultra?
Because it was created by a law basically saying “police yourself to our satisfaction, or we WILL censor it.”
I’m glad they retained it, even if it is off-camera. It’s part of R. Mika’s character. She’s a sexy wrestler—not just a wrestler, a SEXY wrestler—and thus a bit of an exhibitionist. Still...I was on the side defending her costume and figure last time she came up, but I can understand why they would make this change.…
That’s exactly what I meant, sorry for awkward phrasing.
Ubisoft, for all their faults, has a history of handling ethnicity pretty well in Far Cry. (well, the last two, never really paid attention to the others)
Your spelling and grammar prove Aryan superiority.
I’m going to assume you’re male, so I too will commend you for not falling prey to pressure and getting breast implants. Wait, you say, guys aren’t pressured to get breast implants? Interesting!
Could say the same thing about college.