
I find the increasing ability to create things in Minecraft existentially terrifying. Why? Because it gives credence to the theory that our entire world might be a simulation.

Since this seems to have been resolved, I wanted to add an amusing anecdote. When I was in college, my friends and I got an apartment together. We were like a 90s tv executive’s idea of diversity: a black guy, a white guy, a white woman, and a white guy in a wheelchair. One day our black friend came back from the

I have a pretty high tolerance, and, I do you, lady...but...can we agree this is a little gross? Just a bit?

It wasn’t half bad. Now, beondegi, that shit tastes like nightmares and Satan’s asshole.

He’s like the only male actor in Hollywood with Resting Bitch Face.

Would you say he was THOR about it?

Wow, that’s such a blunt metaphor I am not surprised I missed it. I tend to be the critical analysis version of how Darkwing Duck found Negaduck’s lair.

Kevin Murdercorpse.

Well, in the end it is doing nothing and not punching as long as possible that lets her beat him...

The point is that he honestly doesn’t know the difference.

You would have to limit your ability to use your powers. I don’t know if it would be enough, but my first thought would be to use a hands-free electrolarynx. Failing that, a good text to speech program. It would suck, but if I couldn’t find a workaround, I honestly would probably kill myself rather than become the

But that was his choice, a choice that had consequences he had previously experienced and was fully aware of. They could have been literally any drug and served the same basic narrative purpose.

Disagree on both counts. I specified that she didn’t turn me on because I’m demisexual. I evaluated her bosy based purely on aesthetics, then made an emotional connection to the image presented. Libido is, in fact, an emotion and this fact is why pornography has repeatedly been determined in court to be art. Do you

Deserving or not, she provoked a reaction in me, which means to me it is effective art.

Personal history. Among other things, I had a girlfriend who struggled with depression and cystic fibrosis, but died in a car accident two years ago. I’ve always felt like an outside observer, like I was superfluous, and I fell in love with someone who needed help, and my life experiences up to that point were

Well, she did. That was a semi-joke anyway, I have a lot more body image issues than the average guy, I totally wouldn’t post a nude of myself.

As a male, I’m not sure how I should respond to this. So I will respond honestly and openly, in the spirit of the exercise.

He looks like a melting wax dummy of Christopher Walken.

I think that’s part of what makes his powers so mind-fucking. It’s like hypnosis cranked up to 11. When you’re hypnotized, (and I speak from experience, I’m pretty susceptible) it’s not that the person is controlling you. It’s like their suggestion to walk around in your underwear in front of hundreds of people while

I don’t care about WoW in the slightest, but I’m gonna use this as an opportunity to address something that grinds my gears.